Around town,



I had the opportunity to wander around Edinburgh on the weekend.  It is a big city and there is a lot to see, but here are some of the more memorable scenes that I came across.



Look for the artistic rendering of the picture above.








This is the park just South of the castle right off of Princes Street, a main thoroughfare of the city.  It was very quiet Sunday morning.




The scene above exists as a hidden garden, but for a break in the stone wall surrounding it. Turn the corner and you find the sleepy street below.  This was my favorite part of the walk to the Gardens on Sunday morning. 




Below is Scottish Parliament building, which is new to that country.  It is the only modern style building that I saw in Edinburgh.




Just across the street from the Parliament building is the Holy Rood house.  This is the end of Royal Mile, which leads from the castle South through town.


The cones out front are there to direct traffic for VE day.



Look for the artistic version of the above picture.







Check out the Safeway in amongst the old buildings above.  Those menacing clouds by the way, parted to the scene below where I made a left just past the Safeway.





This little neighborhood by the river I found to be a very peaceful scene just around the corner from the Royal botanic Garden.






Below is the view from the Travel Lodge where we stayed just South of Edinburgh.



In the courtyard, there was a Cherry tree.  This is at about 10:00 pm.




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