FSU - Biological Science

Travel Authorization Form for Graduate Students

Effective immediately all future air and train travel, both domestic and international, must be booked through the Concur travel system.

Before you submit this form, please confirm your Concur profile and delegate authority to Jen Kennedy and Toria Warren. Instructions can be found at https://controller.vpfa.fsu.edu/concur/user-guides

Please complete the Travel Authorization Form below. Click on Submit when ready to send.
If you have any questions, email jkennedy@bio.fsu.edu.

General Information

Purpose of trip (conference [include name of conference], collaboration with research colleague, personal trip):

Others going with you:

Funding Information

This trip will be paid by (click on all that are applicable):

(Attach a copy of the abstract showing the first author, and information about the conference/meeting acceptance policy, in the Upload Files section below. If approved for department funding, you will receive an email "Travel Approval" typically within 2 business days. You are not approved for department funding until you receive that email.)

No funds requested
Business (paid by another source other than above)

Personal funds

Estimated Expenditures

If not requesting funds, stop here and click Submit button below

(Must book via Concur or partner agency; airfare purchased independently WILL NOT be reimbursed.)
(use Avis/Budget state contract unless unavailable; nonfaculty must book in Concur)
(If over $175.00/night justification is required)

By submitting this form, I, the above named traveler, voluntarily accept to receive travel expenses of less than the full amount permitted by Florida Statute FS 112.061 for this trip. (If you do not accept to receive less than the full amount permitted by statutes, you must identify sufficient funding and provide sufficient documentation to support all claimed, permitted expenses.) Receiving less than the full amount may be related to:

  • Receiving allowed meals instead of per diem on the last day of overnight travel.
  • Receiving less than current State mileage rate (for example, receiving reimbursement equivalent to actual cost of gas).
  • Receiving a capped rate for all eligible travel expenses related to a trip (for example, the funding department(s) or grant(s) allow a limited amount, which is less than the total of actual permited expenses).
  • Receiving only those expenses that can be adequately documented and justified in accordance with statutory requirements (for example, shared expenses receipted in one person's name can only be reimbursed to the named person, resulting in others receiving lesser reimbursement).
  • Receiving any other allowable travel expenses to be reimbursed at a lesser rate than statute permits.

Other Notes

Use this space to explain anything about your travel plans or funding that is not clearly captured by the menu options above, or to ask for help with planning. For example: splitting costs with other travelers, I want to pay for another traveler or another traveler will pay for me (e.g. PI to pay for lab member's expenses, FSU employee will pay for a non-FSU guest), trip includes both business and personal days, expected costs exceed available FSU funding, what are options for FSU to pay directly so I don't have to wait for reimbursement, etc..

Upload Files

In order to complete this request you must attach your abstract AND information about the conference acceptance policy, or your own notice of acceptance if you have it.

Upon your return, email your receipts for reimbursement to Jen Kennedy, jkennedy@bio.fsu.edu. Forward email receipts or send clear scans or phone photos of paper receipts in pdf, jpg, or png format. Please provide the following:

  • A copy of of the program/agenda if attending a conference
  • Itemized hotel bill showing zero balance due
  • Airline itinerary including ticket# and pricing
  • Receipts for any other expenses you want reimbursed (except meals)
  • A brief summary of the expenses for which you request reimbursement

Go to http://www.vpfa.fsu.edu/control/travel.html to read the State of Florida rules regarding allowable expenses