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GRADUATE STUDENTS; CMB, Cell and Molecular Biology graduate program

  • HSA - Sara Akram, Doctoral Candidate, CMB graduate program (2021- )
  • BKMS - Bianca Sheridan, Doctoral Student, CMB graduate program (2023- )
  • PSA - Paul Agbola, Doctoral Student, CMB graduate program (2023- )
  • UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS; DIS= Directed Indiv. Study, HITM= Honors In The Major,
    NSF URA= Undergrad Research Assistant; UROP= Undegrad. Res. Opp. Prog.


  • SAB - Sarah A. Bass, Biological Science Major; DIS, (2023 - )
  • CML - Christine Lezama; UROP, (2023 - )
  • YSS - Yaya Similien; UROP, (2023 - )
  • HM - Haseeb Monjur; Computat. Biol. major (2024 - )
  • GIL - Gabriela Limeres; Lab Assistant, DIS (2024 - )
  • UROP.24 Computational & Maize Genomics

  • BMS - Becca Sayed, Biol. Sci. major
  • JMK - Joud Kurdi, Biol. Sci. major
  • MKY - Mary Youngberg, Int. Med. Sci. major
  • SMN - Sofia Nazario, Comm. Sci. and Disord. major

  • UROP.24 Biological Science Communictaion
  • SEA - Sohaila Askar, Biol. Sci. major, Chem. minor
  • SJD - Sarah Downing, Dance major, pre-PA


  • HWB - Hank W. Bass, Ph.D.; Lab Head, (1998- )
  • CAH - Callie A. Hambuechen, BS in Biological Science 2023, Lab & Field Technician (2022 - )



    View HW Bass Lab Alumni in a full screen map


  • Koumbaris, George L.; M.S. Biological Science, FSU, 2002
    DOE-CPBR Graduate Fellow (2001-02)
    "Development of a new cytogenetic mapping strategy for maize (Zea mays L.)"
    Current Position: George Koumbaris, PhD; Chief Scientific Officer; NIPD Genetics, Nicosia, Cyprus, EU.
  • Marian, Calin O.; Ph.D. Biological Science, 2005.
    Dissertation via DigiNole
    "Identification of maize (Zea mays L.) genes encoding telomere repeat DNA-binding proteins"
    Current Position: Calin Marian, PhD, Associate Professor, Biology Department Eastern University; St. Davids, Pennsylvania, USA.
  • Amarillo, Ina E.; Ph.D. Biological Science, 2007.
    Dissertation via DigiNole
    "Construction and Analysis of a Transgenomic Cytogenetic Sorghum (Sorghum propinquum) BAC FISH Map of Maize (Zea may s L.) Pachytene Chromosome"
    Current position: Ina Amarillo, PhD, FACMG; Associate Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA, USA.
  • Moore, Joel M.; M.S. Biological Science, 2009.
    Thesis via DigiNole
    "Investigating the DNA Binding Properties of the Initiator Binding Protein 2 (IBP2) in Maize"
  • Brown, Amber N.; Ph.D. Biological Science, 2011.
    Dissertation via DigiNole
    "QTL mapping and candidate gene analysis of telomere length control in maize (Zea mays L.)."
    Current Position: Assistant in Research Faculty, Next Generation Sequencing Library Facility, Dept Biological Science, FSU, Tallahassee, FL, USA.
  • Figueroa, Debbie M.; Ph.D. Biological Science, 2011.
    Dissertation via DigiNole
    "Development of pachytene cytogenetic fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) maps for six maize chromosomes: insights into genome structure."
    Current Position:
    Debbie Figueroa, PhD, FACMG. Director, Sanford Medical Genetics Laboratory. Sanford Imagenetics, Sioux Falls, SD. [LinkedIn]
  • Murphy, Shaun M.; Ph.D. Molecular Biophysics, 2011.
    Dissertation via DigiNole
    "3D molecular cytological and genetic analysis of the SUN-domain proteins in maize meiosis: discovery of a novel plant SUN family, including SUN3, a candid ate gene for the desynaptic (dy) mutant."

  • Wiggins, ZaDarreyal J.; M.S. 2014, Ph.D. Biol Sci 2022, FAMU (Major Prof. OU Onokpise)
    Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow at fellow in the Div. Infectious Disease, Vanderbilt University, Nasheville, TN, UAS.
  • Vera, Daniel L.; Ph.D. Biological Science, 2014.
    Dissertation via DigiNole
    "Nucleosome Fragility and Resistance: An Additional Dimension of Chromatin Structure in formation in Eukaryotic Genomes." (co-advised by JH Dennis)
    Current Position: Post-doctoral Fellow, Harvard Medical School, Sinclair Lab.
  • DSW - Delvin S. Williams, M.S. 2018 FAMU (Major Prof. OU Onokpise)
    Current Position: Medical Technologist, Emory National Primate Research Center lab, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA.
  • Gumber, Hardeep K.; Ph.D. Biological Science, 2019.
    Dissertation via ProQuest
    "Identification And Characterization Of Linker Of Nucleoskeleton And Cytoskeleton (LINC) Complex Components In Maize (Zea mays L.) Meiosis And Development"
    Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Scientist Biotechnology, Jersey City, NJ. [LinkedIn]
  • Easterling, Katherine A.; Ph.D. 2019.
    "Cytogenetic Analysis of Male Meiosis in Humulus lupulus L. (hop): An investigation of a highly structurally variable genome"
    Current Position: Lead Research Scientist, Hopsteiner, Yakima, WA. [LinkedIn]
  • Turpin, Zach M.; Ph.D. 2023.
    "Functional Genomic Element Discovery in Maize (Zea mays L.) Through Micrococcal Nucleae Profiling of Chromatin Structure"
    Current Position: Patent Examiner with the US Patent and Trademark Office.


  • Marion M. Goltz, Ph.D., Research Assistant, (1999-2000), (MMG)
  • Ruth Didier, laboratory research assistant (2002-2003)
    Current position: Director, Flow Cytometry & Confocal Microscopy Facilities, College of Medicine, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA. [ Ruth's FSU COM Profile ]
  • Brian C. Ring, Ph.D., Post-doctoral Research Associate (2004-06)
    Current position: Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Valdosta State University, Valsosta, GA, USA. [ Brian's Faculty Webpage ]
  • Bobbye J. Hill Research Scientist & Project Manager; (2004-06)
  • Barbi M. Risken, FSU Music Graduate Student; Lab and field technician (2006)
  • Gregg G. Hoffman, Ph.D.; Sr. Project Manager, Maize Chromatin Structure Group (2010-12, 2017-19)
    Current position:Research Faculty, P. Fraser Lab, Dept. Biological Science, FSU, Tallahassee, FL, USA.
  • Yunyun Mao, Ph.D.; Postdoctoral Research Scientist (2011-2012)
    Current position: Associate Research Professor, University of Science and Technology of China

    (listing mostly fellows, awardees, or long-term/multi-semester members) [next or current position]

    Former Undergrad Lab Members:

    KPL - Kim P. Lindamood (1999); BS Biology; D.I.S.

    AKH - Amy K. Hughes (1999); Science Education; D.I.S.

    EMF - Eric M. Foss (1999-2000); BS Biology; D.I.S.

    RAS - Rachel A. Mellwig (Santarella) (1999-2000); BS Biology; D.I.S.

    LCK - Linda C. Kang (1999-2000); BS Biology; D.I.S.

    SJN - Sara J. Noyes (2000); Biology major; D.I.S.

    LPJ - Leisa P. Jackson (2000-02) BS Biology, D.I.S., laboratory technician.

    TMS - Tace M. Steele (2000-01) BA Literature, BS Biology; D.I.S., laboratory technician.

    SJB - Stefano J. Bordoli (1998-2001) BS Biology; Fisher/ACS Summer Fellow, D.I.S., Biol Sci Fellow, laboratory technician.

    CSB - Colette S. Burger (2003); D.I.S.

    MDH - Marshawn D. Hay (2000-04); Work Study, NSF-REU.

    EHJ - Eric H. Jones (2002-03); BS Biology; D.I.S., Fisher/American Cancer Society Fellow, NSF-REU.

    MSC - Maria S. Conejo (2004-05); BS Biology; lab technician.

    KAM - Karen A. Large (McLaughlin) (2004-06); Lab technician and field worker.

    ATM - Ashley T. Morganti (2006); BS Biology; D.I.S.

    LBR - Lisa B. Ritchey (2006-07); BS Biology; Lab technician, D.I.S.

    JAL - Jason A. Lorenzen (2007-08); FSU Biology Major; ACS Fisher Fellow, CM McAllister awardee.

    JDD - James D. Davis (2006-08); BS Biology; technician, D.I.S., NSF-REU.

    AMW - Amy M. Win (2006-08); B.S. Biology; D.I.S., technician.

    NCF - Natalie C. Fredette (2006-08); B.S. Biology; D.I.S., technician, FE Fisher awardee.

    REG - Robert E. Gabriel (2005-08); FAMU Buisness Major; Lab technician and field worker.

    HSA - Heather S. Applewhite (2008); BS Biology; Field technician.

    EGL - Eduardo G. Lastra (2008); BS Biology; D.I.S., ACS Fisher Fellow.

    KDB - Kate D. Beckham (2006-09); BS Biology; D.I.S., NSF-REU, FSU URACE Summer Awardee; Honors in the Major.

    GDP - Genevieve E. Price (2008-09); BS Biology; D.I.S.

    KLP - Kari L. Price (2007-09); BS Biology; Lab and Office Assistant, D.I.S.

    AYF - Ayesha F. Hussain (2009); Biology Major; D.I.S., NSF-REU.

    TMH - Tabatha M. McHill, BS Biology; D.I.S. (2009); (tmm)

    KMM - Katie M. Miller, BS Biology; D.I.S. (Sp-Su 2010); (kmm06e)

    DLV - Danny L. Vera BS Biology; D.I.S. (2009-10); (dlv)

    DSJ - David St. Jean, Biology Major; Lab, Field tech.; (2005-09); (dsd02d)

    MDA - Maries D. Almarales, Biolgoy Major, FWS, Lab Asst; (2010-11) (mda10)

    FV - Florencia Velez, high school, lab technician (Summer 2011)

    AAC - Tony A. Carmello, BS Biology; DIS (2011) (caa09)

    EDP - Elizabeth D. Plumb, Biology Major; DIS (2011) (edp10)

    LAT - Lauren A. Terpak, Biology Major, DIS (2011) (lat08c)

    ESH - Liz S. Howe, BS Biology; Honors in the Major, WIMSE fellow; CM McAllister awardee; John Mark Caffrey Scholar; Lab Technician (2009-11); (esh07)

    ARC - Aislinn R. Cassels-Hyde, Biology Major; FWS Office and Lab Asst.; (2011-12); (arc)

    KAE - Katherine A. Easterling (2010-12), Biochemistry Major, DIS, Field Technician, Volunteer, FSU MRCE Awardee 2011 (kae09)

    ORM - Olivia R. Maleki (2010-11); BS Biology, FWS Office and Field Asst., Lab Tech; (orm09)

    JJR - Jasmine J. Reaves (2009-10); BS Biology; FWS, Field and Lab Technician; NSF-REU, DIS (jjr09c)

    DIR - David R. Davenport, BS in Biology; (2009-12); DIS, Honors in the Major; Volunteer (drd2268)

    ULP - Ulda Louis-Pierre, BS in Biology; (2012-13) FWS Office and Lab Asst., (ul10)

    SRJ - Stacey R. Joseph, BS in Biology; (2011-13); Office and Lab Asst. NSF-REU, DIS, FWS (srj)

    CEH - Cory E. Hearn, BS in Biology; (2012-2014); BS in Biology; DIS, Volunteer, (ceh07d)

    CMH - Cynthia M. Habashy, BS in Biology; (2013-14); DIS, Volnteer, (cmh10n)

    RH - Robert Harvey (2014); Biology Major, DIS (rh11f)

    SWR - Samantha W. Ridgway (2013-14); BS in Psychology; Lab Tech, DIS, JM Caffrey scholar (swr13b)

    AEF - Akram E. Farran (2015); Biology Major, DIS

    JMR - Jacob M. Rosenfield (2015-16); Biology Major, DIS

    BAF - Bianca A. Fox (2015-16); Biology Major, DIS

    MNW - Morgan N. Winn (2015-16); Math Major, DIS

    CKN - Christopher K. Nguyen (2016-17); Biology Major, UROP

    DMA - Dylan M. Allen B.S. Biology; (2016-17), FWS, Lab Technician

    DAL - Diana A. Lacatusu B.S. Biology; (2016-17), FWS, Lab Technician

    ALE - Amado L. Estrada B.S. Biology; (2015-17), Lab Technician and Asst. Mgr.

    AMJ - Alexis M. Jalovec B.S. Biology; (2017), DIS

    BDG - Brianna D. Griffin; B.S. Biology; (2014-17), WIMSE, NSF Undergrad RA, 2017 MaGNET Awardee, Research Scholarships (Vaughn-Jordan, Fisher); Honors in the Major Thesis 2017

    SDS - Savannah D. Savadel; B.S. Biology 2018; (2014-18), Biology Major, UROP, DIS, NSF Undergrad RA, Research Scholarships (CRE-IDEA, CM McAllister, JM Caffrey); Honors in the Major Thesis 2018

    JRA - Jenna R. Aquino B.S. Chemistry 2018; (2017-18) DIS, Lab Technician

    RVA - Renee V. Allison B.S. Exercise Science; (2018) DIS, Bioinformatician

    CJH - Chris J. Hagemeyer B.S. Biology; (2016-18), DIS; Honors in the Major Thesis 2018

    CAB - Charles A. Buerk Biology Major, Molecular biology, DIS, (2017-18)

    Lauren G. Lopes, B.S.; DIS and Lab Tecnician, (2017-2018)

    KCB - Kristin C. Bussey B.S. Biology; (2017-2019), FWS, DIS, lab technician, Vaughn-Jordan, FE Fisher, JM Caffrey scholar.

    ACK - Andre C. Kartick B.S. Biolog, Volunteer, DIS, (2018-2019)

    ENG - Emily N. Griffin Biology Major, UROP (2018-2019)

    SAB - Stefanie A. Boothe; Biology Major, DIS (2019); Vet School at St. Matthew's Univ.

    CRG - Chelsea R. Green; Environmental Science Major; (2019-2021) Lab and Field Technician

    HFS - Heidi F. Salihovic; B.S. Computational Biolgy, B.S. Computational Science (2021); (2018-2021) Volunteer, NSF Undergrad RA, Bioinformatics Technician; Honors in the Major Thesis 2021

    MLR - Maia L. Ruiz Biology Major; DIS (2022-2023)

    ZSG - Zehta S. Glover; (2020-2023) BS in Cell and Molecular Neuroscience (Biology 2022); UROP, HITM, NSF Undergrad RA, DIS, McAllister awardee, Caffrey scholar; Honors in The Major Thesis 2022

    BKMS - Bianca Sheridan; (2021-2023) BS in Biological Science 2023; NSF Undergrad RA, Vaughn-Jordan awardee, Biological Science Alumni Scholar, Lab & Field Technician

    MED - Madison DePeri; (2023) BS in Bioloical Science 2024; UROP

    TVF - Tammy V. Flores; (2022 - 2024) BS in Biological Science 2023; Lab & Field Technician, DIS

    AS - Ayush Singh; (2020-2024) BS in Cell and Molecular Neuroscience Major (2023); UROP, NSF Undergrad RA, DIS, Phi Beta Kappa MJ Hay Awardee



    The Laboratory of Dr. Hank W. Bass
    Department of Biological Science
    Florida State University
