The DuVal Lab - Past Members

Lab Alumni

Postdoctoral Researchers
Dr. Blake C. Jones - assistant professor, Bennington College, starting fall 2020
Dr. Rebecca Sardell - continued with postdoctoral research in human retinal genomics with Dr. William Scott, U. of Miami
Dr. J. Patrick Kelley - continued as postdoctoral resesrcher with Dr. Jill Jankowski, Univ. of British Columbia; currently Research Scientist at University of Wyoming.

Doctoral Students
Dr. Jessica Cusick - postdoctoral fellow, NIH training program, Indiana University
Dr. Carla Vanderbilt - assistant professor, University of Pikeville, Pikeville KY
Dr. Megan A. Jones - Research Associate and Education Specilaist, National Ecological Observatory Network, Boulder CO. Graduated summer 2017.
Dr. Caroline Stahala - Audubon, Florida Panhandle Program Manager for the shorebird monitoring and conservation program. Graduated summer 2016.

Undergraduate researchers
Leslie Nguyen, undergraduate researcher, 2018-2019
George Torres, undergraduate volunteer, 2018-2019
Ivonne Mendietta, REU student, summer 2018
Kylie Wilson, REU student, summer 2016
Fernando Freitas, undergraduate volunteer, summer 2015
Hannah Wilson, undergraduate honors thesis student, 2014-2015
Miguel De Villa, undergraduate researcher and DIS student, 2014
Jasity Rush, undergraduate volunteer, 2014
Jordan McKean, undergraduate directed independent study, Spring 2014
Nicholas Hanley, undergraduate researcher
Carolin Hoeflich, undergraduate volunteer - UROP program
Jose Moscoso, undergraduate research technician, Fall 2012
Alan Moss, undergraduate directed independent study, Spring 2012
Megan Mayo, undergraduate honors student 2010-11, now a grad student at UC Davis
Nadia Moline, undergraduate directed independent study, 2010
Aubrey Sirman, undergraduate directed independent study, 2008, MA at Auburn U

Technicians and generally awesome people
Samantha Lantz, lab and field crew manager 2010-2011, now a grad student at Tulane Univ.
Maria Wieselmann, lab manager, now having amazing adventures on the west coast
Emily Hutchinson, lab manager, now a grad student at U. Alaska Fairbanks


Blake C. Jones

Postdoctoral Researcher
FSU Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow 2017-2018,

Ph.D., Biological Sciences
University of Memphis

B.S. Biology, James Madison University


Rebecca J. Sardell

Postdoctoral Researcher 2011- 2013,

Ph.D. – Univ. of Aberdeen, UK
M.Res. - University of York, UK
B.A. - University of Oxford, UK

J. Patrick Kelley

Postdoctoral Researcher Jan-Jul 2013
kelley [at]

Ph.D. – UC Davis
B.A. - Harvard College

Caroline Stahala

Social nesting behavior of the Bahama Parrot on Abaco
Island and its conservation implications

Ph.D. awarded summer 2016,

B.S. Biology - Univ. of North Carolina
M.S. Zoology - North Carolina State University

Megan Jones

Why Dominant Individuals Cooperate — Fitness Consequences of Cooperative Courtship in a System with Variable Cooperative Display Coalitions

Ph.D. awarded summer 2017
N.E.O.N research associate
and science education specialist

B.S. Wildlife Biology
Humboldt State University

Carla Vanderbilt

Ph.D. awarded spring 2019

B.S. Biology - Stetson University

Jessica Cusick

Ph.D. awarded Spring 2019

B.A. Biological Sciences - SUNY Binghamton University
B.A. Psychology - SUNY Binghamton University
M.S. Biological Sciences - Florida Atlantic University

Samantha Dietz

M.S. awarded summer 2019

B.S. Biological Sciences,
North Carolina State University
focus: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation


Jordan McKean

Undergraduate researcher
Directed independent study, spring 2014

Variation in responses to novelty by nesting Carolina Chickadees

Jose Moscoso

Undergrad technician
Fall 2012, Florida State University


Alan Moss

Ungergraduate researcher
Directed independent study, spring 2012

Provisioning rates by male breeders and cooperatively breeding helpers in the Brown-headed Nuthatch


Megan Mayo

Ungergraduate researcher
Directed independent study, spring 2010
Honors Thesis, 2010-2011

Project: Vocal coordination of lance-tailed manakins

Entered the M.A. pogram at UC Davis in fall 2012

Samantha Lantz

Lab manager and 2010 field crew leader
B.A. Willamette University
M.S. Florida Atlantic Univerity

Entered the Ph.D. program at Tulane University in 2011

Maria Wieselmann

Lab manager 2008-2009
B.S. in Biological Science, Florida State University


Emily Hutchinson

Lab manager, research technician
B.A. in Biological Science, Florida State University

Entered the Ph.D. program at University of Alaska, Fairbanks in fall 2011

Nadia Moline

Undergraduate researcher Spring 2010,
WIMSE, Florida State University

Project: Giant water bug behavior


Aubrey Sirman

Directed Independent Study student
Fall 2008, Florida State University

Project: Offspring sex ratios in lance-tailed manakins


Hannah Wilson

Undergraduate researcher

Hannah is conducting her honors thesis research on lance-tailed manakin mating behavior 2014-2015

Miguel De Villa

Undergraduate researcher

Nestling provisioning behavior of Brown-headed Nuthatches (summer 2014)

Nicholas Hanley

Undergraduate researcher 2013-14

Environmental effects on display performance of Lance-tailed Manakins

Carolin Hoeflich

Undergraduate volunteer - UROP program 2014

Video analysis of Lance-tailed Manakin displays

Jasity Rush

Undergraduate volunteer - 2014

Video analysis of Lance-tailed Manakin displays

Fernando Freitas

Undergraduate volunteer 2015

Video analysis of Lance-tailed Manakin displays

If you're interested in joining the lab group, see the information for prospective graduate students. If you're interested in a DIS or honors project with the DuVal lab group, see the information for undergraduate students.