

Places to Stay


Abstract info



Southeastern Ecology and Evolution Conference

Florida State University, March 28-30, 2008

Information for Presentations and Posters

This is a scientific symposium aimed at graduate, post-doctoral, and undergraduate researchers in the fields of ecology, systematics, and evolutionary biology. The conference will be held on the campus of Florida State University on March 28-30, 2008.

Information for talks

Talks are 12 minutes with 3 minutes for questions. Files should be on a CD or USB flash drive.

Information for posters

Posters should be 60"W x 36" H.

Abstract Submission Information

Researchers interested in presenting posters or 12-minute talks are invited to submit abstracts pertaining to:
- Animal Behavior
- Conservation
- Ecology
- Evolution
- Functional Morphology
- History and Philosophy of Science
- Systematics

Please submit your abstract along with registration at the SEEC website, found at https://www.bio.fsu.edu/~eerdg/seec/.

Abstracts should be limited to 250 words, and please include any primary and co-authors as well as session preference. Information about poster and talk requirements is available on the SEEC website. Early registration fees for the meeting are $15; late registration fees are $35.

Please contact David McNutt (dmcnutt@bio.fsu.edu) for questions regarding registration or abstract submission, or general questions about SEEC to Amanda Buchanan (abuchanan@bio.fsu.edu) or Eric Jones (ejones@bio.fsu.edu).