FSU - Biological Science

Department of Biological Science

at Florida State University

2016 CTP Training Grant Retrea

Title: A retreat for chemosensory trainees, faculty and interested scientists/students
Date: Friday, 30 September 2016
Time:12:00 PM
Location: Dogwood Pavilion, Wakulla Springs State Park
Series Title: 2016 CTP Training Grant Retreat
Category: Seminar
Note: Featuring Dr. Robert J. Lee, University of Pennsylvania: "Bitter bodyguards and sweet sentinels: taste receptors in airway immunity," and short talks by Chemical Senses NIH trainees: Dr. Sarah Baisley (W. Li lab); Michelle Bales (A. Spector lab), Genevieve Bell (D. Fadool lab); Brandon Chelette (D. Fadool lab); Kirill Korshunov (P. Trombley lab; Sean Ogden (L. Eckel lab). Lunch and reception provided for all attendees who pre-register by September 26th. Pre-register by scanning QR code on posters, or contact Dr. Debra Fadool for more information: dfadool@bio.fsu.edu.
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