FSU - Biological Science

Department of Biological Science

at Florida State University

Teaching Discussion Group

Speaker:Dr. Leslie Richardson
Title: Teaching diverse students
Date: Thursday, 28 February 2019
Time:3:00 PM
Location: 2057 KIN
Series Title: Teaching Discussion Group
Category: Miscellaneous
Host: Department of Biological Science, Florida State University
Note: Contact Kate Hill (kmhill@bio.fsu.edu) if you would like to be added to the group Canvas organization site. Suggested readings as background for this discussion: A Framework for Culturally Responsive Teaching by Wlodkowski and Ginsberg: http://www.ascd.org/publications/educational-leadership/sept95/vol53/num01/A-Framework-for-Culturally-Responsive-Teaching.aspx and Chapter 3 of How Learning Works by Ambrose and colleagues: https://sites.temple.edu/bett/files/2014/01/Ambrose-Chapter-3-What-motivates-students1.pdf
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