FSU - Biological Science

Department of Biological Science

at Florida State University

Biomedical Sciences Seminar

Date: Wednesday, 26 April 2023
Time:12:00 PM
Location: 1400 COM and Zoom
Series Title: Biomedical Sciences Seminar
Category: Seminar
Note: Two talks: 'FMPR mechanism of circuit assembly,' by Sima Sabbagh, Yuan Wang lab, and 'GeCKO library screening to identify novel genes involved in circadian rhythm,' by Sunmin Kim, Choogon Lee lab, both Department of Biomedical Sciences, Florida State University. Join on zoom: https://fsu.zoom.us/j/95396219839?pwd=NTJJR3o3NllkOWVwTm9TR0ZiT1dxUT09 Password required. Contact DL-MedBMSPRTeam@med.fsu.edu to request it.
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