FSU - Biological Science

Department of Biological Science

at Florida State University

Biomedical Sciences Promotion

Speaker:Dr. Gregg Stanwood
Title: Food, mood, and brain health: GLP-1 receptors are a target for reward system related disorders
Date: Wednesday, 5 July 2023
Time:12:00 PM
Location: 1400 COM and Zoom
Series Title: Biomedical Sciences Promotion Seminar
Category: Seminar
Note: Join in person at Durrell Peaden Auditorium, or on Zoom: https://fsu.zoom.us/j/96471168382?pwd=aEl0WEdJMTIzREYraHZ2QWdkcVBNdz09. Password required; contact Tiffany.McNabb@med.fsu.edu to request it.
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