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FSU Biology - Directories - Faculty

Biological Science Faculty Member

Dr. Sophie J. McCoy

  • Office: 4060 King Life Sciences
  • Office: (850) 644-1549
  • Area: Ecology & Evolution
  • Lab: Coastal and Marine Lab Room 11
  • Lab: (850) 697-4099
  • Fax: (850) 645-8447
  • Mail code: 4295
  • E-mail:
Dr. Sophie J. McCoy

McCoy Lab Page

Assistant Professor
Ph.D. The University of Chicago, 2014.
Graduate Faculty Status

Marine Lab Office: Coastal and Marine Lab, Room 111

Research and Professional Interests:

I am a community ecologist with broad interests in ecology, evolution, physiology, and environmental chemistry.  My research focuses on macroalgal populations, intertidal communities, and links between biology, environmental conditions and water chemistry.  I use a combination of field and laboratory methods to understand natural variability in marine populations, responses of species and communities to climate change and pollution.

Selected Publications:

McCoy, SJ and S Widdicombe (2019) Thermal plasticity is independent of environmental history in an intertidal seaweed. Ecology and Evolution,9(23): 13402-13412. 

Cissell, EC
JC Manning and SJ McCoy (2019) Consumption of proliferating cyanobacterial mats on Caribbean reefs. Scientific Reports, 9:12693.

McCoy, SJ, A Stanillán-Sarmiento, MT Brown, S Widdicombe and GA Wheeler (2019) Photosynthetic responses of turf-forming red macroalgae to high-CO2 conditions. In press, Journal of Phycology

McCoy, SJ and NA Kamenos (2018) Coralline algal skeletal mineralogy affects grazer impacts.  Global Change Biology, 24(10): 4775-4783. 

McCoy, SJ, NA Kamenos, P Chung, JT Wootton, CA Pfister (2018) Altered crystal mineralogy in the California
mussel on decadal and centennial scales in a changing ocean.  Global Change Biology, 24(6): 2554-2562. 

McCoy, SJ
, S Allesina and CA Pfister (2016) Ocean acidification affects competition for space: projections of community structure using cellular automata, Proceedings of the Royal Society, B, 283: 20152561.

McCoy, SJ and NA Kamenos (2015) Coralline algae in a changing world: integrating ecological, physiological, and geochemical responses to global change. Journal of Phycolog, 51(1): 6-24.  

McCoy, SJ and F Ragazzola (2014) Skeletal trade-offs in response to ocean acidification, Nature Climate Change, 4: 719-723.

McCoy, SJ and CA Pfister (2014) Historical comparisons reveal altered competitive interactions in a guild of crustose coralline algae, Ecology Letters, 17: 475-483.

PDFs & full publication list