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Charlotte  Lee  

Assistant Professor 
Department of Biological Science
Florida State University
Tallahassee FL 32306-4295

ctlee at

eight five zero -- six four five -- nine five three two

My FSU faculty webpage
Ecology and Evolution at FSU      




I use mathematical and computer modeling to study the nonlinear dynamics of structured populations. Most biological
populations exhibit age, stage, size, or other structure, and most ecological interactions (between individuals, between
species, or with the environment) ultimately involve nonlinearity, so very many interesting ecological problems include
both. My major research directions are 1) elucidating important yet still poorly-understood basic processes (e.g.,
mutualism) that drive the dynamics of populations, communities, and ecosystems, and 2) understanding the interplay between
humans and their environment by bringing the tools of population biology to bear on the study of human population.

        ►Competitive dynamics of consumers that alter the dynamics of their resource (mutualists, herbivores, ...)


Most ecological theory on resource competition  focuses on the rates at which consumer populations consume their shared resources, and emphasizes the role of overlap and efficiency in consumers’ resource use in determining competitive coexistence or exclusion. Yet resource depletion is only one way in which consumers affect resource abundance. Nature abounds with consumers that ingest only portions of resource individuals, or consume products or substances produced by resource individuals. These consumers frequently affect resource survival, growth, and reproductive rates.  Examples include pathogens and parasites, and some parasitoids that do not immediately nor completely consume their hosts; most herbivores, which allow their plant hosts to survive, grow, and reproduce at reduced rates; nonlethal predators; and mutualists, which may collect nectar, food bodies, or pollen from plants while pollinating or protecting them. In addition, lethal predators frequently affect the behavior and foraging activity of surviving prey. The magnitude of these effects on resource dynamics may be unique to each consumer species (such as pathogens that vary in their degree of virulence); when this is the case, consumer effects on resource dynamics can enable competitive coexistence or exclusion in otherwise unexpected situations.

Lee, CT, TEX Miller, and BD Inouye.  2011.  Consumer effects on the vital rates of their resource can determine the outcome of competition between consumers.  In press at The American Naturalist.  --  abstract -- Link to article at AmNat

Lee, CT, and BD Inouye. 2010.  Mutualism between consumers and their shared resource can promote competitive coexistence.  The American Naturalist 175: 277–288  abstract  --  Link to article at AmNat

        ► Human-environment interactions and human population


To solve contemporary problems such as ensuring food security for a particular region or for the globe, we need more basic research on the interactions between natural resource dynamics, human population growth, and social factors such as technology, culture, politics, and economics.  I couple ecological, demographic, and social models to examine the interactions between environment, food supply, human demography, and human decision-making.  I have focused on preindustrial agricultural societies, whose dynamics are closely tied to their local environment, but am extending these approaches to hunter-gatherer societies and ultimately to modern industrial societies.  


Lee, CT, and S Tuljapurkar. 2011. Quantitative, dynamic models to integrate environment, population, and society. In Kirch, PV, ed. Roots of Conflict: Soils, Agriculture, and Sociopolitical Complexity in Ancient Hawai'i.  School of Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico.first paragraph 

Lee, CT, CO Puleston, and S Tuljapurkar. 2009.  Population and prehistory III: Food-dependent demography in variable environments. Theoretical Population Biology 76: 179-188.abstract  Link to article at TPB 

Lee, CT, and S Tuljapurkar.  2008.  Population and prehistory I: Food-dependent population growth in constant environments.  Theoretical Population Biology 73: 473- 482.abstract  Link to article at TPB

Ladefoged, TN, CT Lee, and MW Graves. 2008.  Modeling life expectancy and surplus production of dynamic pre-contact territories in leeward Kohala, Hawai'i. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 27(1): 93-110.  abstract    Link to article at JAA  

Tuljapurkar, S, CT Lee, and M Figgs. 2007. Demography and food in early Polynesia. Pages 35-51 in Kirch, PV, and J.-L. Rallu, eds. The Growth and Collapse of Island Societies: Archaeological and Demographic Perspectives from the Pacific. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. – first paragraph 

Lee, CT, S Tuljapurkar, and P Vitousek. 2006. Risky business: spatial and temporal variation in preindustrial dryland agriculture.  Human Ecology 34 (6): 739-763. – abstractLink to article at Human Ecology                                  



Nick Kortessis, MS 2012.  Currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Arizona.


for prospective students:   

I'm interested in questions involving population dynamics, species interactions, demography and biodemography, and ecosystem dynamics, and am happy to work with students who are interested in any aspect of ecological theory and models, as well as students who may be specifically interested in my projects described above.  I will be looking for some demonstrated interest in quantitative theory, and/or preparation in fields such as mathematical ecology, math, programming, physics, and so on.

selected publications

Lee, CT, TEX Miller, and BD Inouye. 2011.  Consumer effects on the vital rates of their resource can determine the outcome of competition between consumers.  In press at The American Naturalist.  --  abstract -- Link to article at AmNat

Lee, CT, and S Tuljapurkar. 2011. Quantitative, dynamic models to integrate environment, population, and society. Pages 111-133 in Kirch, PV, ed. Roots of Conflict: Soils, Agriculture, and Sociopolitical Complexity in Ancient Hawai'i.  School of Advanced Research Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico.first paragraph 

Lee, CT, and BD Inouye. 2010.  Mutualism between consumers and their shared resource can promote competitive coexistence.  The American Naturalist 175: 277–288  abstract  --  Link to article at AmNat

Lee, CT, CO Puleston, and S Tuljapurkar. 2009.  Population and prehistory III: Food-dependent demography in variable environments. Theoretical Population Biology 76: 179-188.abstract  Link to article at TPB 

Lee, CT, and S Tuljapurkar.  2008.  Population and prehistory I: Food-dependent population growth in constant environments.  Theoretical Population Biology 73: 473- 482.abstract  Link to article at TPB 

Donahue, MJ, and CT Lee. 2008. Colonization.  pp. 672-278 in SE Jorgensen and BD Fath (Editor-in-Chief), General Ecology. Vol. 1 of Encyclopedia of Ecology, 5 vols. Oxford: Elsevier. – abstract   Link to article at ScienceDirect 

Ladefoged, TN, CT Lee, and MW Graves. 2008.  Modeling life expectancy and surplus production of dynamic pre-contact territories in leeward Kohala, Hawai'i. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 27(1): 93-110.  abstract    Link to article at JAA

Morris, WF, CA Pfister, S Tuljapurkar, CV Haridas, CL Boggs, MS Boyce, EM Bruna, DR Church, T Coulson, DF Doak, S Forsyth, J-M Gaillard, CC Horvitz, S Kalisz, BE Kendall, TM Knight, CT Lee, and ES Menges. 2008. Longevity can buffer plant and animal populations against changing climatic variability. Ecology 89 (1): 19-25. – abstract    Link to article at Ecology

Tuljapurkar, S, CT Lee, and M Figgs. 2007. Demography and food in early Polynesia. Pages 35-51 in Kirch, PV, and J.-L. Rallu, eds. The Growth and Collapse of Island Societies: Archaeological and Demographic Perspectives from the Pacific. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. – first paragraph 

Lee, CT, S Tuljapurkar, and P Vitousek. 2006. Risky business: spatial and temporal variation in preindustrial dryland agriculture.  Human Ecology 34 (6): 739-763. – abstractLink to article at Human Ecology

Boyce, MS, CV Haridas, CT Lee, and the NCEAS Stochastic Demography Working Group. 2006. Demography in an increasingly variable world. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21: 141-148. – abstract   Link to article at TREE

Lee, CT, and A Hastings.  2006.  Non-equilibrium genetic structure is robust to the shape of the dispersal distribution.  Evolutionary Ecology Research 8: 279-293. – abstract –   Link to article at EER

Chesson, P, and CT Lee.  2005.  Families of discrete kernels for modeling dispersal. Theoretical Population Biology 67 (4): 241-256.  – abstractLink to article at TPB

Lee, CT, MF Hoopes, J Diehl, W Gilliland, G Huxel, EV Leaver, K McCann, J Umbanhowar, and A Mogilner.  2001.  Non-local concepts and models in biology.  Journal of Theoretical Biology 210: 201-219. – abstract –   Link to article at JTB

brief cv current as of april 2012