Tuesday, 15 August, Rockville

Written 16 October 2017

The rest of us got to relax a little the next day, doing laundry, grocery shopping, and taking it easy, but poor Ev had to carry on with pursuing damage control in the wake of theft of his wallet.

He revealed to the rest of us that his heart was acting strangely. He's noticed for several days (without saying anything, even to Rachel) that, especially when he lay down, his heart skipped beats, sometimes as many as two out of five. He had also noted that he was more out of breath than he thought normal after, e.g., climbing three flights of stairs. Now remember that Ev is excruciatingly aerobically fit, so that meant out of breath enough for him to notice but not for anyone else to.

He had too much to do on Tuesday, but Rachel made him promise, if it continued, to go to the emergency room on Wednesday and to make an appointment with his regular pulmonologist/cardiologist ASAP (which turned out to be Friday morning).

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