BSC 5936, Scientific Communication

Sample Sentence Outline

[This sample sentence outline is intended to illustrate acceptable format. Notice that, although it is called an outline, it does not follow classical "outline" format--it is simply a list of sentences, in the order in which they (or their descendents) will appear in the paper and subdivided by headings and subheadings. You may or may not use as many subheadings as this student has, but you should include the major headings so that I can see where you intend them to fall in the paper. Your printed sentence outline will differ from this hypertext example in being fully double-spaced and in following the heading formats of your journal rather than this student's. It may also be more complete than this student's (certainly no less so). Finally, be sure to put your name on it.]


Centrin phosphorylation is required for flagellar excision in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii


Centrin, a 20-kD contractile phosphoprotein with four calcium-binding EF-hands, is present in the flagellar transition region between the basal body and the flagellum in Chlamydomonas. When Chlamydomonas cells are subjected to experimental treatments (e.g., alcohol or detergent treatment, mechanical shear, and extreme pH), they excise their flagella in a process known to involve calcium ions. We have isolated a centrin mutant that fails to excise its flagella in response to stimulation, and we demonstrate that this mutant is deficient in centrin phosphorylation. Upon restoration of the excision-competent phenotype by plasmid rescue, the transformed cells regain centrin phosphorylation. We conclude that centrin phosphorylation is required for flagellar excision in Chlamydomonas.


Centrin is localized in three distinct areas (Wright et al., 1985; Schutze et al., 1987; Salisbury et al., 1988, 1989).

Centrin is a member of the superfamily of calcium-binding proteins.

The excision process is known to involve calcium ions (Huber et al., 1986; Rosenbaum and Carlson, 1969) and is mediated by a calcium-sensitive alteration of transition-zone structure (Sanders and Salisbury, 1989).

In this study we demonstrate that centrin phosphorylation is required for flagellar excision.


Cell Culture

Wild-type strain 2677 was obtained from Duke and maintained in Sager and Granick (1954) medium.

Flagellar Excision

Cells were harvested by centrifugation and subjected to pH shock.

Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies

The polyclonal serum, 08/28, has been characterized elsewhere (Salisbury et al., 1984).

The monoclonal antibody, 17E10, was raised according to the procedure of Salisbury and coworkers (1986).

Plasmid DNA

The pMN24 plasmid, containing the cloned wild-type nitrate reductase gene (Fernandez et al., 1989), was prepared according to the procedures of Tam and Lefebvre (1993).

Transformation Protocol

Cells were transformed according to the procedure of Kindle (1990).

DNA-blot Analysis and Library Screening

Genomic DNA was isolated by the method of Weeks et al. (1986) as modified by Tam and Lefebvre (1993).

Isolation of Genomic Sequence Flanking the Integrated Plasmid

A 9.0-kb genomic fragment was cloned by plasmid rescue as described by Tam and Lefebvre (1993).

Western Immunoblot Analysis

Proteins were separatred by SDS-PAGE (Laemmli, 1970).

Protein transfer to nitrocellulose and immunostaining were carried out according to the methods of Towbin and coworkers (1979), with modifications.

Two-dimensional Electrophoresis

Two-dimensional electrophoresis was performed according to the methods of O'Farrell (1975), with modifications.

Isolation of Excision Mutant

The pMN24 plasmid was digested and introduced into nit1 mutant cells by transformation.

Each transformed cell line was isolated and scored for flagellar excision autonomy.

Verification of the plasmid insert was done by DNA-blot analysis (Figure 1).

Linkage of the Excision Mutation to the Integrated NIT1 Plasmid

The mutant was backcrossed to a strain carrying the nit1 mutation and analyzed for cosegregation of the Nit and excision-incompetent phenotypes (Table I).


Linkage of the Excision Mutation to the Integrated NIT1 Plasmid

The results are consistent with the conclusion that insertion of the plasmid DNA into the nuclear genome resulted in the mutant phenotype.

Two-dimensional Electrophoresis

Two-dimensional electrophoresis reveals that the mutant does not have a phosphorylated isoform of centrin (Figure 2a).

Following rescue of the excision phenotype by transformation of cells with intact DNA, the mutant cells do have a phosphorylated isoform of centrin and do shed their flagella (Figure 2b).

Western Immunoblot Analysis

Western analysis confirms the two-dimensional electrophoresis results: mobility shifts of centrin before and after rescue are consistent with centrin forms plus and minus phosphorylation (Figure 3).


We show that centrin phosphorylation is required for flagellar excision.

We conclude that, because the centrin gene was not disrupted in the mutant, some other gene was disrupted whose product is involved in centrin phosphorylation.

Further studies are required to characterize the altered gene product(s).

[Literature cited should follow here, then tables, figure legends, and figures.]

Department of Biological Science
Florida State University


Dr. Anne B. Thistle, 334 Conradi Building
Office hours: TBA and by appointment