The Maize-10-Maze Project
A field replicate of the maize genome (aka chromosome garden): product of an NSF PGRP-funded broader impacts outreach project.
Using classical genetics to illustrate plant genetics for the general public.
About Maize-10-Maze
The Maize-10-Maze project is a type of living map of the maize genome in which 10 individual rows represent the 10 chromosomes of corn.
Nearly 100 different naturally-occurring mutants of maize are used to illustrate genetic control of plant growth and development.
Mutants that have been mapped to chromosome 1 are in row 1, those mapped to chromosome 2 in row 2, and so on.
This event occurs once per grant cycle, organized by Dr. Bass. Similar gardens have been produced in the early 20th century.
The modern Maize-10-Maze has or will be replicated elsewhere including Cornell and CYMMIT in Mexico.
The FSU/FAMU Maize-10-Maze first started with the Cytogenetic Map of Maize project, designed to showcase maize genetics and genotype-phenotype relatsionships.
These movies are from the 2012 or 2017 Maize-10-Maze events. For more information, contact
Note on source of maize mutants:
The mutants used for this project were selected from a large list of mostly naturally occurring mutants.
The mutant stocks are distributed to scientists and breeders through the
Maize Genetics Cooperation Stock Center.
Additional Movies & Corn Olympics Fun, Maize-10-Maze Field
For best view, select high-resolution (720-HD) in the movies.
Maize-10-Maze: Before the planting and the inspirational book "The Mutants of Maize"
Maize-10-Maze, Before planting, and inspirational book "The Mutants of Maize"
Maize-10-Maze 2012 "Before" and the "Field Map"
Maize-10-Maze 2012; white Luteus5 (wlu5) mutants, 11 days after sowing.
Maize-10-Maze 2012: setting the placard poles, FSU Biology major, OR Maleki.
Maize-10-Maze 2012; mutant albescent1 (al1), aka "ghost plant", 42
days after sorwing.
FACE students gathering for group photo by the Maize-10-Maze field, Summer 2012.
FSU Biology major Rachel Walsh comes with friend from Plant Biology class; gets Maize-10-Maze explanation from Dr. Bass.
Maize-10-Maze field day - FACE students having fun and doing the corn dance ...
Maize-10-Maze field day 2012, FACE student shows Ramosa1 (Ra1) mutant tassel.
Maize-10-Maze field day 2012, End of event fun with corn olympics - the stalk toss.
Maize-10-Maze 2012, Random Mutant Mix Batting - Pop fly - lost in the sun.
Maize-10-Maze 2012, end of field day drive by.
Here comes tropical storm Debby, June 24 2012.
June 26 2012, Field afer TS Debby, and A. Xiongi, highschool summer scientist.
Maize-10-Maze 2012, Fly through chromosome 4 row, end with lazy1 (la1) mutants growing horizontally.
Maize-10-Maize, late June 2012, Genome/field quick view, in reverse (Chr. 10-1).
Rs1, Rough sheath1, 7.012b, R1 stage, evening, Summer 2012.
Maize-10-Maze 2012; Knotted1 (Kn1 mutants, 43 days after sowing.