Colored1-marbled Teopod2 Lesion12 Old gold stripe1 Lesion6 Rolled leaf1 brown midrib4 brittle stalk2 virescent30 brittle stalk2 virescent30 unstable factor for orange1 Torn leaves1 dwarf3 barren stalk fastigiate1 luteus7 Zebra crossbands8 bronze1 white deficiency1 japonica striping1 male sterile8 japonica striping1 virescent21 Semidwarf plant1 yellow-green2 Clumped tassel1 Clumped tassel1 Barrren inflorescence1 iojap striping1 compact plant1 slashed leaves1 Teopod1 ramosa1 virescent5 virescent5 ramosa1 intensifier1 Hairy sheath1 tie-dyed1 green stripe3 striate leaves4 tangled1-pigmy sunburned1 Polytypic ear1 Purple plant1 male sterile1 yellow endosperm1 Lesion13 yellow endosperm1 ragged seedling1 Rough sheath1 expanded glumes1 wilted1 Hairy sheath frayed1 yellow stripe1 lemon white2 male sterile5 brevis plant1 thick tassel dwarf1 brittle endosperm1 camoflauge1 brown midrib1 colorless2-mutable1 japonica striping2 necrotic5 Tunicate1 lazy plant1 sugary1  glossy3 lazy plant1 Tassel seed5 white tip2 anthocyaninless1 spotted2 male sterile3 nana plant1 barren stalk1 yellow stripe3 tassel seed4 Ragged leaves1 dwarf plant1 tassel seed4 Corngrass1 crinkly leaves1 Chocolate pericarp1 Dwarf plant10 white3 narrow sheath1 & narrow sheath2 tassel seed1 Booster of colored plant1 & silkless1 Booster of colored plant1 necrotic4 albescent plant1-Brawn dwarf plant5 albescent plant1 “ghost plant” Knotted1 teosinte branched1 Tillered1 indeterminate growth1 anther ear1 Vestigial glume1 brachytic1 & fine stripe1 brachytic1 barren inflorescence2 rough lineate1 white luteus5 rough sheath2 zebra crossbands4 tassel seed2 lethal leaf spot1 striate leaves1 white sheath3 golden plant2