FSU - Biological Science

BioNotes, 24-07-01


July 1 through July 5, 2024

Monday, July 1 – Monday, July 1, 3:00 pm – 3:00 pm, A211 PDB and Zoom—NEUROSCIENCE DISSERTATION DEFENSE, "Spatial navigation: how I made it here," Alfonso Brea Guerrero, Program in Neuroscience, FSU. Host: Dr. Aaron Wilber. Join in person or on Zoom: https://fsu.zoom.us/j/96202242607?pwd=1BKkRSeabiGMfDQr3fKLPGmgKd6EDL.1 Meeting ID: 962 0224 2607 Passcode: ABGThesis

Tuesday, July 2 – Tuesday, July 2, 9:00 am – 9:00 am, A211 PDB—DISSERTATION DEFENSE, "Causal investigation of visual cortical disinhibition in fear memory ," Josh Brown, Program in Neuroscience, FSU. Advisor: Dr. Wen Li.

Tuesday, July 2 – Tuesday, July 2, 10:00 am – 10:00 am, 112 KLB—MOLECULAR BIOPHYSICS DISSERTATION DEFENSE, "How to go around single-particle Cryo-EM challenges," Behrouz Ghazi Esfahani, Program in Molecular Biophysics, FSU. Advisor: Dr. M. Elizabeth Stroupe.

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