FSU Biology - Installing Honorlock

How to install HonorLock Google Chrome Extension

Install Process:

  1. Use the Chrome web browser (Honorlock only works in Chrome).

  2. Click here to check if you have Honorlock already installed, or to add the Honorlock extension.

  3. If you already have the extension installed then you're all set, if not, check the box agreeing to the 'Terms of Service' and then click the 'Add Extension' button.

  4. A new window will now open in the Google Chrome Store, click the 'Add to Chrome' button to add the extension.

  5. At this point a pop up may appear, selec the 'Add Extension' button.

  6. You should now see a second pop up confirming the installation of the extension.

  7. At this point you should be all good to use Honorlock. If you are using Honorlock for an exam or quiz there should be a button or check box in Canvas to click to enable it.