Using Webmail for @BIO.FSU.EDU Email Accounts

Webmail access for @bio.fsu.edu email accounts is currently via http://webmail.bio.fsu.edu
or http://webmail2.bio.fsu.edu

Logging in

Start Firefox or some other internet browser. Go to the webmail link listed above.  Type in your email userid and password. Click the "Login" button. The webmail interface appears. Click the "Mail" icon at the top of the screen to enter the webmail interface.

Setting Options

Click the "Options" button, change the "Edit options for:" dropdown to "Global Options", then click the "Display Options" link. Change:

  • "What application should Horde display after login?" : Mail
  • "Show the Horde Menu on the left?" : Uncheck
Click "Save Options" button.

Change the "Edit options for:" dropdown to "Mail", then click the "Fetch Mail" link. Uncheck "Show the Fetch Mail icon on the menubar". Click the "Save Options" button.

Click the "Server and Folder Information" link. Uncheck "Display Virtual Inbox?". Click the "Save Options" button.

Setting your Personal Information

Click the "Options" button, change the "Edit options for:" dropdown to "Mail", then click the "Personal Information" link. Fill in your name, return address and signature. Put a check in "Save sent mail" and choose "Use Default Value" from the sent mail folder drop down box. Click the "Save Options" button, (you may have to scroll down to see the "Save Options" button).

Viewing an incoming mail message

Select INBOX from the "Open Folder" dropdown list in the top right of the webmail interface. The INBOX mailbox appears as a list of messages. Click the from link or subject link to read the email message. Click the "Back to INBOX" link to return to the incoming mail listing.

Composing a mail message

Click the "Compose" icon (second from left at the top of the webmail window). The "Message Composition" window appears. Fill in "To", "Subject" and message body and click "Send Message" to send the message. You can also click "Save draft" to save the message into your "drafts" folder.

Forwarding a mail message

If message is not all ready in view mode view the message now (see above). Click the "Forward" link to bring up the Message Composition - Forward window. Fill in the "To" field. Type any changes or additions to the email in the message. Click the "Send Message" button to send the message.

Viewing attachments

Open the message for viewing. Just under "Subject" you will find the attachments listed. Click the disk icon to the right of the attachments size indicator. A save/open dialog will appear. Click "Open" to view the attachement.

Downloading attachments

Open the message for viewing, then click the disk icon to the right of the size indicator. A save/open dialog will appear. Save the file to your computer in the location of your choice. 

Attaching a document to a mail message

Look for the "Attachments" section at the bottom the Message Composition window. You may have to scroll down to see this. Click the "Browse" button. A "File Open" dialog appears. Navigate to the file you wish to attach and click "Open". The path to the file should now appear in the "Attachment" box. Click "Attach". The file uploads and is attached to the message.

Removing an attachment to an outgoing mail message

In the "Attachments" section of the outgoing message check the attachments you wish to remove and click "Remove Selected" link.

Seeing draft mail messages (outgoing but not yet sent)

Select "drafts" from the "Open Folder" drop-down list in the top right of the webmail interface. Click the message to open it in the "Message Composition" window from where you can edit the message and then either save or send it.

Seeing sent mail messages

Select "Sent" from the "Open Folder" drop-down list in the top right of the webmail interface. Click the from link or subject link to read the email message. Click the "Back to Sent" link to return to the sent-mail message listing.

Additional resources

Setting up a Vacation Message using Webmail

Saving and transfering a copy of your webmail address book