FSU Biology - Installing Sequencher

How to install Sequencher on Windows XP/7/10 and MacOS


  • Download Keyclient license software installer as zip file
  • Unzip the Keyclient.zip file to creating a "Keyclient" folder.
  • In the Keyclient folder, install using "setup.exe".
  • Download Sequencher program as zip file
  • Unzip Genecodes.zip. Move the resulting folder "Gene Codes" to "C:/program Files (x86)/" or "C:/Program Files/" if the first doesn't exist.
  • Run the file "KeyAccess" from "Start->Programs->Gene Codes->Sequencher Server Client->KeyAccess".
  • If a window called "KeyAccess Setup" does not appear and you get an error, press ok and follow previous step again.
  • Type "keyserver.bio.fsu.edu" into the text box under "connection:" and press the logon button.
  • Press "ok"
  • Create a shortcut of "C:/Program Files(x86)/Gene Codes/Sequencher 4.7/Sequencher.exe" and place the shortcut on the desktop
  • Celebrate a complete installation of Sequencher


  • Download dmg installer
  • Install
  • Mock your windows using co-workers about how easy to install Sequencher was.