You must have Eudora 5.1 or later to have SSL support. If
you do not have a current version, you can get the upgrade here.
The current Mac OS 10.x version of Eudora does not currently
support SSL. If you are running OS 10.x, I recommend the mail
client built into the Mac OS10.2. See
for details. Also the MS Entourage in Office vX seems to work.
We plan on having a page to describe how to use that program to
be available soon.
After further investigation into SSL on the Mac
platform we have just uncovered another major problem that
needs to be mentioned. Due to the fact that SSL on the Mac
requires the use of the "Keychain Access" control
panel, anyone using a Mac to access their email come August
5th will have to be running at least version 9.x of the
operating system. Machines running older versions of the
operating system lack this control panel and will therefore
create a Type 3 Error when SSL is active in the email
application. This will not only effect machines on campus, but
anyone who has a Mac at home that is dialing into campus to
retrieve their email.
In order for SSL to work correctly, you must create what is
known as a keychain on your computer. To create a keychain on
your computer, go under the Apple and select the Keychain Access
control panel.
no keychain currently exists on your computer, you will be
presented with the window below. Simply click once on the Create
button to begin the process.
If the Keychain Access control window simply opens and no window
like the one below is presented, please skip to step 4 as you
have already at some time in the past created a keychain.
In the next window that appears, simply type FSU into the
Keychain Name box and click the Create button. NOTE: Do NOT type
in a password.
3. You will next be presented with the warning box below. Make
sure that you click on Yes to proceed to the next step.
You should now go up to the File menu and select Quit.
You must be running Eudora 5.1 or later to have SSL support. If
you do not have the latest version, you can get the upgrade
To determine the version of Eudora that you are currently
running, launch Eudora and go under the Apple and select About
the window pops up like the one below, look at the number in the
bottom left hand corner. It must be 5.1, or higher. If you do
not have at least version 5.1, please download and install the
latest version of Eudora from
before proceeding.
While in Eudora choose the Special menu, and select Settings…
When the Settings window pops up, click once on Checking Mail in
the left hand scroll box and make a note of the Mail Protocol
type you are currently running (i.e. POP or IMAP).
8. Now scroll to the bottom and select the SSL category. Click
once on the SSL icon to select it. Depending on the Mail
Protocol that you just noted, change the SSL for POP box to
Required (TLS).
NOTE: The first time you check your mail, Eudora will prompt
you to add a particular certificate that the mail server uses (a
"Unknown SSL Certificate" window will pop up).
Click on the Open button, and another dialog box should pop
Click a check mark in the "add to keychain"
box. Change "When
using this certificate" option to "Always
trust". Finally, click the OK button.