FSU Biology - Safe Internet Browsing Practices

Tips on Safe Internet Browsing Practices

Safe Internet Browsing Practices:

1. Make sure your computer is updated!

Detailed directions on updating Windows can be found here:

Instructions on updating Mac OS 10.x can be found here:

2. Browse the Web with an up to date browser!

We suggest using Mozilla Firefox if you have a PC:

If you're using a Mac, we suggest using Safari.

3. Run anti-spyware programs weekly.

The anti-spyware programs we recommend for a PC are:

4. Run Stinger to search for viruses.

PC Users: You should already have McAfee VirusScan or similar program running. However, if you think your PC may be infected, run:

5. Set your Operating System to always show file extensions.

PC Users: Go to 'My Computer' - 'Tools' - 'Folder Options' - 'View' tab - and take the check out of 'Hide file extensions for known file types'.

Mac Users: Click on 'Finder' - and select the option to show all file extensions.

6. Other Safe Browsing Practices

  • Stay on trusted web sites.
  • Do not open unknown email attachments.
  • Links may not be what they seem. Hold the mouse pointer over a link to see the actual link location (usually displays in the bottom left).
  • Do not run programs that are of unknown origin.

For a more detailed explanation and analysis of home network security, see: