Dr. Lloyd M. Beidler, Professor Emeritus, 1922-2003
Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Member, National Academy of Sciences
About Dr. Beidler
Dr. Beidler's autobiography
Research and Professional Interests:
Neuroscience; chemical senses, receptor molecular biology, cell turnover, and electrophysiology.
Selected Publications:
Sato T., and L. M. Beidler. 1997. Broad tuning of rat taste cells for four basic taste stimuli. Chem. Senses 22:287-293.
Granger, E. M., J. I. Glendinning, J. C. Smith, and L. M. Beidler. 1993. Behavioral and electrophysiological responses to NaCl in young and old Fischer-344 rats. Chem. Senses 18:419-426.
Tonosaki, K., and L. M. Beider. 1989. Sugar: best single chorda tympani nerve-fiber resonses to various sugar stimuli in rat and hamster. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A 94:603-605.
Smith, J. C., I. J. Miller, R. F. Krimm, M. S. Nejad, and L. M. Beidler. 1988. A comparison of the effects of bilateral sections of the chorda tympani nerve and extirpation fo the submaxillary and sublingual salivary glands on the eating and drinking patterns of the rat. Physiol. Behav. 44:435-444.
Krimm, R. F., M. S. Nejad, J. C. Smith, and L. M. Beidler. 1987. The effects of bilateral sectioning of the chorda tympani and the greater superficial petrosal nerves and the submaxillary and sublingual salivary glands on the daily eating and drinking patterns in the rat. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 510:422-424.
Wilson, L. S., J. C. Smith, R. Henderson, J. Shaughnessy, M. S. Nejad, and L. M. Beidler. An apparatus for the detailed analysis of short-term taste tests in rats. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 510:710-712.