Biological Science Faculty Member - Retired

Professor Emeritus
Ph.D., 1961
Research and
Professional Interests:
Molecular evolution of the bird genome, the molecular basis of sexual differentiation in birds, and molecular control of gene expression in yeasts and other lower eukaryotes.
Selected Publications:Madsen, C. S., K. P. McHugh, and S. R. deKloet. 1992. Characterization of a major tandemly repeated DNA sequence (RBMII) prevalent among many species of waterfowl (Anatidae). Genome 35:1037-1044.
Tuohy, J. M., K. P. McHugh, and S. R. deKloet. 1992. Systmatical relationships among some Anatini as derived from restriction endonuclease analysis of a repeated DNA component. Auk 109:465-473.
Madsen, C. S., D. H. deKloet, J. E. Brooks, and S. R. deKloet. 1992. Highly repeated DNA seuences in birds--the structure and evolution of an abundant, tandemly repeated 190-bp DNA fragment in parrots. Genomics 14:462-469.
McHugh, K. P., C. S. Madsen, and S. R. deKloet. 1990. A highly repeated retropseudogene-like sequence in DNA of the redbreasted merganser (Mergus serrator). Gene 87:193-197.
Madsen, C. S., K. P. McHugh, and S. R. deKloet. 1988. A partial classification of waterfowl (Anatidae) based on single-copy DNA. Auk 105:452-459.
D'Surney, S. J., and S. R. deKloet. 1985. Biochemical characterization of lysozumes present in egg white of selected species of anatid birds. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B 82:555-558.