Dr. Dexter M. Easton
Professor Emeritus;
Ph.D., Harvard University, 1947
Teaching module on action potential
Research and Professional Interests:Gompertz kinetics, based on the idea that exponential processes generally proceed at exponentially changing rates, provides elegant models for description of numerous biological relationships. Recently explored examples appear in the list below.
Recording and
interpretation of externally recorded biopotentials is conveniently
with suction electrodes. Simple apparatus using this method, which is
especially suitable
for teaching purposes, has been developed in this
Selected Publications:
Easton, D. M. 1990. Gating charge voltage dependence on holding potential, predicted by expo-exponential model. 10th International Biophysics congress (Vancouver, Canada), p. 371 (abstr.,poster).
Easton, D. M. 1991. Na+ permeability change predicted proportional to gating current. The Physiologist 34(3):101 (abstr.,poster).
Easton, D. M. 1992. Contraction, relaxation and membrane potential in mussel muscle. South-East Nerve Net, Wakulla Springs, Florida, March 7 (abstr., poster).
Easton, D. M. 1993. Simple, inexpensive suction electrode system for the student neurophysiology laboratory. Adv. Physiol. Educ. 10(1):535-545.
Easton, D. M. 1993. Macroscopic INa changes in proportion to fast and slow components of gating current in squid axon. Intl. Congr. Physiol. Glasgow, Scotland, August 1-6 (abst, poster).
Easton, D. M. 1995. Gompertz survival kinetics: fall in number alive or growth in number dead? Theor. Popul. Biol. 48:1-6.
Easton, D. M. 1996. Muscle chamber with strain gauge adapted for isotonic/isometric recording. Adv. Physiol. Educ. 15(1):529-539.
Easton, D. M. 1997. Gompertz growth in number dead confirms medflies and nematodes show excess oldster survival. Exp. Gerontol. 32(6):719-726.
Easton, D. M. 1999. X-ray survival as Gompertz growth in number killed. J. Theor. Biol. 196:1-8.
Easton, D. M. Gompertz pharmacokinetic model for disposition of drugs. Pharm. Res., in press.