Dr. Paul R. Elliott,
Professor Emeritus, 1933-2009
Curriculum vitae
Biographical information:
Professor Emeritus;
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1961
Research and Professional Interests:
Bioluminescence; bioethics; human viral diseases, particularly AIDS.
Selected Publications:
Wilson, J. A., K. F Guthe, P. R. Elliott, and D. R. Shappirio. 1959. Oxygen uptake of glycerol extracted muscle fibers. Nature 184:1947.
Elliott, P. R. 1965. The metabolism of homogenates of the mouse epididymis. J. Cell. Comp. Physiol. 66:281–292.
Elliott, P. R. 1965. The effect of efferentiectomy and orchidectomy on the metabolism of the epididymis of the mouse. J. Cell. Comp. Physiol. 66:293–302.
Elliott, P. R. 1968. The future of medical education. Group Practice 17: 29–36.
Elliott, P. R. 1969. A program to increase enrollment in professional and graduate study in the health sciences at the University of Florida. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 209: 1073–1076.
Elliott, P. R. 1970. Communication and continuum: a medical school responsibility. Pages 110–117 in Articulation Between Medical and Premedical Education, Harold J. Simon, Editor.
Elliott, P. R. 1970. The Southeast: a national source of minority students for medical education. Pages 20–26 in Articulations Between Medical and Premedical Education, Harold J. Simon, Editor.
Elliott, P. R. 19972. Innovation in health education. The Advisor, February, Vol. 8, no. 1.
Elliott, P. R. 1972. The Program in Medical Sciences, an inter-institutional approach to medical education for the state of Florida. The Advisor, February, Vol. 8, no. 1.
Elliott, P. R. 1972. 1971 bibliography for preprofessional advisors. The Advisor, February, Vol. 8, no. 1.
Elliott, P. R. 1973. The evolutionary curriculum: revolutionary accountability vise. J. Med. Educ. 48:824–831.
Elliott, P. R. 1975. The admissions process: how to select for the family practice student. Proceedings of the 1975 Annual Workshop on Undergraduate Education in Family Medicine, American Academy of Family Physicians, Kansas City, MO, May, 1975.
D'Costa, A. G., P. G. Bashook, P. R. Elliott, R. K. Jarecky, W. F. Leavell, D. O. Prieto, and W. E. Sedlacek. 1974. Simulated minority admissions exercises; AAMC.
Elliott, P. R. et al. 1976. Simulated admissions exercises: an approach for non-traditional applicants to medical school. Monograph (97 pages) AAMC.
Elliott, P. R. 1976. Superstar selection syndrome: altering the selection process. Proceedings of the 1976 First Western Regional Working Conference on Ethnic Minorities and the Health Professions, Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 1976.
Fox, L. R., and P. R. Elliott. 1977. Heredity and You. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, Iowa.
Elliott, P. R. 1978. Report of the AAMC Task Force on Minority Student Opportunities in Medicine" AAMC, Washington, DC.
Elliott, P. R. 1979. The medical college admission test. Chapter in Medical Education: Responses to a Challenge. W. Cadbury and C. Cadbury, Editors, Future Publishing Co.
Fox, L. R., and P. R. Elliott. 1983. Heredity and You, II Ed. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co., Dubuque, Iowa.
Jolly, H. P., L. Taskel, P. R. Elliott, and J. Bickel. 1985. U.S. medical school finances. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 254:1573–1581.
Elliott, P. R., et al. 1987. Simulated minority admissions exercises: an approach for non-traditional applicants to medical school. Monograph (97 pages), III Ed., AAMC.
Dial, J. H., and P. R. Elliott. 1987. Relationship of scholarships and indebtedness to medical students' career plans. J. Med. Educ. 62:316–324.
Elliott, P. R. 1993. HIV/AIDS: 1993—A Home Study Course for the Personal Service Professions. MESA Educators, Tallahassee, Florida. Second ed. 1994; Third ed. 1995; Fourth ed. 1996; Fifth ed. 1998; Sixth ed. 2000; Seventh ed. 2002.
Elliott, P. R. 1993. HIV/AIDS Review: 1993–1994 MESA Educators, Tallahassee, Florida. Second ed. 1994; Third ed. 1995; Fourth ed. 1996; Fifth ed. 1998; Sixth ed. 2000; Seventh ed. 2002.
Elliott, P. R., and N. Forsyth. 1995. Communicable Disease; Health and Safety Program. EME Publishing, Tallahassee, Florida. Revised 1996, 1998, 2000.
Elliott, P.R. 1994. VIH/SIDA Revision- Un Curso Para Estudio En Casa Para Professionales de Servicio Personal. EME Publishing, Tallahassee, Florida.
Elliott, P.R. 1995. HIV/AIDS: A Home Study Course for Funeral Service Professionals, EME Publishing, Tallahassee, Florida. Revised 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002.
Elliott, P.R. 1995. HIV/AIDS 1996 A Home Study Course for Health Care Professionals, EME Publishing, Tallahassee, FL. Second edition 1996; Third edition 1998; Fourth edition, 2000; Sixth edition, 2002.