FSU Biology - Directories - Faculty

Biological Science Faculty Member

Joe Test

  • Office: 2054 King Life Sciences
  • Office: (850) 644-1006
  • Lab: King Life Sciences
  • Lab: (850) 644-1006
  • Fax: (850) 644-1006
  • Mail code: 333
  • E-mail: jtest@bio.fsu.edu
 Joe  Test

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Research and Professional Interests:

I am a marine ecologist with primary research interests in species behavior, interactions, and habitat use. My research drew me to examine how science was incorporated into policies that affect the management and conservation of nature. What I found was the the transfer of information from scientists to stakeholders and policy makers was imperfect.  Thus, I strive to bridge the gap through community engagement and service on national councils (e.g., past service on the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council and panels for the National Research Council, including those evaluating marine protected areas, the use of best available science in fisheries management, and the sustainabilitity of marine laboratories and field stations.  I am an Aldo Leopold Conservation Fellow and a Pew Marine Conservation Fellow.

I am currently director of the Florida State University Coastal & Marine Laboratory and Co-Principal Investigator of the Apalachicola Bay System Initiative, a major endeavor focused on conducting scientific studies that will inform a major ecosystem-based oyster management and restoration plan for the bay.

Selected Publications:

Castilla, R., and J. M. McCoy (2017) Some Pub Testing. The Test 19: .

Testy, T. (2022) The Art of Testing. The Journal of Testers 222: .

Stuy, A. N., R. Castilla, J. M. McCoy, K. Hawkins, and T. MacTest (2014) Test. Test 15: .
(Test) (Test

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