FSU Biology - Current Grad Students
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Biological Science - Graduate Studies

Florida State University


Grad Student
Alberta Abotsi
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Scott Stagg

Grad Student
Taiwo Adewole
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Qian Yin

Grad Student
Paul Agbola
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Hank Bass

Grad Student
Doménica Aguirre
Major Prof: Dr. Emily Lemmon

Grad Student
Benjamin Ajayi
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Austin R. Mast
I research how plant variation reflects evolutionary diversification and the reconstruction of plant genes' evolutionary histories using molecular systematics and morpho-anatomy
Grad Student
Sara Akram
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Hank W. Bass

Grad Student
Fatima Alcantara
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Nora Underwood

Grad Student
Penelope Ales
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Nora Underwood

Grad Student
Camilla Alves
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Beth Stroupe (FYAC)

Grad Student
Carlie Anderson
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Emily C. Lemmon
I study the proximate mechanisms of speciation in North American chorus frogs. I'm broadly interested in the neural and genomic basis for population-level differences in mating traits that drive macroevolutionary processes. 
Grad Student
Laura Anthony
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Sandra D. Brooke
I am interested in the ecophysiology of habitat-forming deep-sea corals. My dissertation research focuses on the environmental drivers that affect the reproductive biology of several reef-forming deep-sea corals around the globe.
Grad Student
Sona Antonyan

Grad Student
Lorea Arambarri
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Jonathan H. Dennis
Investigating the consequences of Traumatic Brain Injury on chromatin features
Grad Student
Zachary Arnold
Major Prof: Dr. Debra Fadool

Grad Student
Erica Atkins
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Darin Rokyta

Grad Student
Collins Awiaga
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Darin R. Rokyta

Grad Student
Marena Bass
Major Prof: Dr. Thomas A. Houpt

Grad Student
Donaven Baughman
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Andrew Shantz
My research focuses on the impacts of predators and environmental factors on the physiological processes and allocation of energy to various important life history characteristics (e.g., growth, predation defense, and reproduction) of eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica). The goal of my work is to inform the future management  of wild oysters and improve aquaculture outcomes by understanding the impacts of biotic (predators) and abiotic (environmental) factors on individual oysters and how these impacts may scale-up to alter population dynamics and oyster harvest outcomes. 
Grad Student
Shahin Behrouz Sharif
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Jonathan H. Dennis

Grad Student
Tracey Bell
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Steven Lenhert

Grad Student
Jane Benoit
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Jonathan H. Dennis
I am interested in the relationships between chromatin architecture, gene expression, and cellular processes. My projects include characterizing chromatin remodeling events during viral infection, innate immune stimulation, and cancer progression.
Grad Student
Katherine Bilodeau
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Kathryn M. Jones

Grad Student
Allie Blanchette
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Andrew Rassweiler
I am interested in studying how species interactions and human activities play into the resilience of marine ecosystems. There's also a special place in my heart for farmer damselfish.
Grad Student
Lillie Bradshaw
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Sarah Lester

Grad Student
Emilie Broussard
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Darin R. Rokyta

Grad Student
Lauren Carson
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Hong-Guo Yu

Grad Student
Tiyanna Charles
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Qian Yin

Grad Student
Katherine Darrow
Major Prof: Dr. Liz Brown

Grad Student
Ashley Dawdy
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Dean Grubbs
I am primarily interested in the behavioral ecology of elasmobranchs, particularly species of conservation concern. My past research used active and passive acoustic telemetry to investigate movement and habitat use patterns in coastal sharks. I am currently investigating social and mating behavior in the critically endangered smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) in the Florida Keys, and the habitat use of cownose rays (Rhinoptera bonasus) in Apalachicola Bay, FL. This work contributes to the delineation of essential fish habitat and informs the building of successful species conservation plans.
Grad Student
Jessica Dehn
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Dean Grubbs

Grad Student
Madison DePeri
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Beth Stroupe (FYAC)

Grad Student
Jacob Dilliplane
Major Prof: Dr. James M. Fadool

Grad Student
Abigail Dittmar
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Nora Underwood
I use a combination of mathematical models and field-based experiments to study mechanisms of plant resistance to insect herbivory. I am especially interested in how individual-level interactions scale up to affect the spatial structures of populations and communities and how spatiotemporal variability can shape population and community dynamics. My research lies at the intersection of basic and applied science and I work in both natural and agricultural systems. 
Grad Student
Adin Domen
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Sandra D. Brooke
I have a general interest in marine ecology, however my current work consists of identifying oyster-based habitat preference in economically important fishes and crustacean species in Apalachicola Bay, FL.
Grad Student
AidanDarian Douglas
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Ashwanth Francis

Grad Student
Alexandra Dubel
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Andrew Rassweiler

Grad Student
Francis Ebuara
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Darin R. Rokyta

Grad Student
Yu Fang
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Jian Feng

Grad Student
Laurel Field
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Sarah Lester
Laurel’s research focuses on the implementation, tracking, management, and socio-ecological aspects of area-based marine conservation tools. She is also interested in the development of sustainable marine food systems and the compatibility of marine conservation and mariculture goals in ocean spaces.
Grad Student
Gabrielle Fisher
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Kathryn M. Jones

Grad Student
Emily Fuqua
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Sandra D. Brooke
My research interests are based in applied ecophysiology. I am interested in how anthropogenic changes to the environment, such as increasing ocean temperature and increasing anoxic zones, affect an organism’s physiology, and in turn, how physiological changes affect ecology and population dynamics. My PhD research will focus on Eastern oyster health in the Apalachicola Bay system, and my goal is to assist fisheries managers and conservationists in restoring and preserving a healthy oyster population in Apalachicola Bay. 
Grad Student
Yashika Garg
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. M. Elizabeth Stroupe

Grad Student
Yacob Gebreab
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Karen McGinnis

Grad Student
Sarah-Kate Genter
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Thomas E. Miller

Grad Student
Adam Goodman
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Andrew Rassweiler

Grad Student
Anuvind Gramathil
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Hong-Guo Yu
In the Yu lab, I work on understanding how chromosome tethering to the nuclear periphery works. Yeast is not just used for baking, but to do science as well! :)
Grad Student
Jonathan Gray
Major Prof: Dr. Doug Storace

Grad Student
Rimil Guha Roy
Major Prof: Dr. Debra A. Fadool

Grad Student
Daniel Gutierrez
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Emily H. DuVal
I am interested in the evolution of complex social behavior. I study cooperative behavior in Lance-tail Manakins aiming to understand the drivers of behavioral variation in male-male displaying partnerships. 
Grad Student
Morgan Hawkins
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Sandra D. Brooke
My research focuses on the morphological and behavioral differences that exist between cultured and wild sourced bivalves. These differences lead to large post-release mortalities, effecting the success of restoration aquaculture. My work helps to identify and correct those differences at the FSUCML Shellfish Restoration and Research hatchery, helping to optimize restoration aquaculture for the Florida bay scallop.
Grad Student
Daniel Hiott
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. David Thoms

Grad Student
Joseph Horacek
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Jeroen Ingels

Grad Student
Tyler Hunt
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Gregory M. Erickson

Grad Student
Emma Jackson
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Dean Grubbs

Grad Student
Mahdi Khadem
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Jonathan H. Dennis

Grad Student
Auroni Khan
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Beth Stroupe (FYAC)

Grad Student
Kathryn Koirtyohann
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Karen M. McGinnis
My research is focused on the molecular biology of plants, primarily maize and peanut. I study regulation of gene expression by RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM), transcription factor binding, and noncoding RNAs. The regulatory landscape of plants is extremely complex, and my goal is to uncover some of these networks of regulatory molecules and genes, particularly those involved in response to abiotic stress.
Grad Student
Harris Krasner
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Joel Trexler

Grad Student
Jeremy Levine
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Joel Trexler

Grad Student
Marilla Lippert
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Sarah Lester

Grad Student
Ashley Loeven
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Debra A. Fadool
My research interests lie in understanding intracellular signaling that mediates dietary fat-induced inflammation and irreversible loss of olfactory sensory neurons in mouse models.
Grad Student
Calvin Mackey
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Kathryn M. Jones

Grad Student
Mariela Marques
Major Prof: Dr. Roberto Vincis

Grad Student
Melanie Medina
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Don R. Levitan
I'm interested in reproduction and mate choice of simulataneous hermaphrodites and how this reproductive strategy is a potential mechanism for the maintenance of variation in marine gastropods such as sea slugs.
Grad Student
Bridger Menlove
Major Prof: Dr. Debra A. Fadool
My research interests lie in understanding the relationship between physiology and behavior of olfactory processes. I'm currently investigating how we can utilize drug therapies and to rescue olfactory function under different types of duress.

Current Publications: Aljobaily, N.; Krutsinger, K.; Viereckl, M.J.; Joly, R.; Menlove, B.; Cone, B.; Suppes, A.; Han, Y. Low-Dose Administration of Cannabigerol Attenuates Inflammation and Fibrosis Associated with Methionine/Choline Deficient Diet-Induced NASH Model via Modulation of Cannabinoid Receptor. Nutrients 2023, 15, 178. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu15010178
Grad Student
Brian Moe
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Charles Cotton

Grad Student
Annais Muschett-Bonilla
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Dean Grubbs
My research investigates reproductive strategies in elasmobranchs (sharks, skates, rays, and sawfish). My goal is to understand variation in maternal investment between closely and distantly related species, along with variation at an individual level. The physiological mechanisms that drive the mode of embryonic nourishment in these species are being investigated, along with studies attempting to highlight the biochemical content and nutrient composition of fluids used to nourish embryos in various species. Finally, after attempting to understand how and to what extent mothers nourish their embryos, my research aims to determine the effects of maternal investment on the mother and assess potential costs of large maternal investment in these species.
Grad Student
Soheila Nabi
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Hong-Guo Yu

Grad Student
Linda Osei
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. David Thoms

Grad Student
Jared Osland
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Scott J. Steppan

Grad Student
Innocent Osuya
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Scott Stagg

Grad Student
Zohre Panahidizjikan
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Liz Brown

Grad Student
Monica Paniagua Montoya
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Nora Underwood
I am interested in how differences among conspecific individuals impact interactions, population dynamics and community level processes. In particular, I am interested in the tritrophic interactions of plants, herbivores, and enemies of herbivores.
Grad Student
Benjamin Pluer
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Joseph Travis
I am broadly interested in better understanding the evolution and ecology of microbial symbionts in the digestive system of fish. In particular, I'm interested in identifying the role of digestive system microbial symbionts in alleviating the nutrient loading stress in local freshwater systems, using metagenomic and metaproteomic analysis of key microbial species, to determine contribution to adaptation.
Grad Student
Meizhu Qi
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Debra A. Fadool

Grad Student
Bryce Redfern
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Kathryn M. Jones

Grad Student
Colton Remedies
Major Prof: Dr. Jian Feng

Grad Student
Bobbie Renfro
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Janie L. Wulff
I am generally interested in conducting research, teaching, and public outreach related to tropical marine ecology and anthropogenic disturbance. Specifically, my dissertation research explores the effects of nutrient enrichment on Caribbean reef sponges.
Grad Student
Miles Robertson
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Michael Cortez
I am interested in the mechanisms that drive epidemics. I use mathematical models and computer simulations to analyze such disease systems.
Grad Student
Joshua Rowe
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Austin R. Mast

Grad Student
Sarah Ruckman
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Kimberly A. Hughes
I am interested in the genetics of adaptation and what hinders that process. I use Drosophila to understand the genetics of behavior and how other traits, like color patterns, could hinder behavioral adaptation. 
Grad Student
Paria Salemi Mokri Boukani
Major Prof: Dr. Douglas Storace

Grad Student
Shania Schull
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Janie L. Wulff
Interactions between organisms that share space are complex; this is especially true for coral reefs which boast unparallel biodiversity and whose benthic communities are composed of many taxa. Among these taxa, coral reef sponges and stony corals have unique and critical ecosystem functions; while the corals create reef structure and substrate, the sponges promote water clarity and act as a glue holding the reef together. Relationships between sessile reef organisms are often considered competitive, but a closer look tells us that mutualisms and commensalisms also exist between corals and sponges and may be more common than previously expected. By closely examining the point of contact between corals and sponges in addition to their overall growth and health one can interpret how these important functional groups work together to create some of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the Caribbean. Following many pairings of corals and sponge species through time has revealed that coral-sponge interactions can be temporally dynamic and, in some cases, inter- and intra-specifically variable. Consideration for the metrics used to classify interactions as competitive, mutualistic, and commensal and attention to the unique behaviors of coral and sponge species may call for incorporation of multiple taxa (corals and reef sponges) in efficient restoration and conservation efforts in the Caribbean.
Grad Student
Matthew Schumm
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Daniel Okamoto
My interests include population dynamics and evolution and plasticity in life-history and metabolic trait distributions (mostly in marine and aquatic organisms), along with development of new quantitative modeling approaches. A current focus of research is eco-evolutionary impacts of harvest on populations. I am also a Masters in STEM Teaching candidate at FSU. Pronouns: he/him.
Grad Student
Simone Schuster
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Josh Breithaupt

Grad Student
Morgan Shakeshaft
Major Prof: Dr. Roberto Vincis

Grad Student
Bianca Sheridan
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Hank Bass

Grad Student
Yun Shi
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. P. Bryant Chase
My research mainly focuses on Ca2+-dependent thin filament regulation of contraction and cooperative interactions among myofilament proteins in striated muscle, including both skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle. As the Ca2+ sensor of the thin filament, troponin is the major protein that I am particularly interested in. For the projects I am currently involved in, experimental, statistical and computational methods are combined to reveal the characteristics of this protein in both physiological and pathological process, e.g., cardiomyopathy.
Grad Student
Grace Soltis
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Nora Underwood

Grad Student
Selma Squafi
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Joel Trexler

Grad Student
Divyaa Srinivasan
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Peter Fraser

Grad Student
Natalie Storch
Major Prof: Dr. Lisa C. Lyons

Grad Student
Jessica Sullivan
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Thomas A. Houpt (cbMS)

Grad Student
Vincent Tocci
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Steven Lenhert

Grad Student
Kathleen Torrence
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Scott J. Steppan

Grad Student
Manisha Tyagi
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Ashwanth Francis

Grad Student
Paola Urlich
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Hengli Tang

Grad Student
Nick Waddell
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Jian Feng

Grad Student
Austin Werner
Major Prof: Dr. James M. Fadool

Grad Student
Niall Whalen
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Gregory M. Erickson

Grad Student
Michael Wintermantel
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Sandra D. Brooke

Grad Student
Rui Yang
Cell and Molecular Biology
Major Prof: Dr. Qian Yin

Grad Student
Alaina Young
Ecology & Evolution
Major Prof: Dr. Daniel Okamoto
Tom Miller, Tara Stewart Merrill, and R. Dean Grubbs labs: Evolution and Ecology Area Master's Thesis Student studying Elasmobrach Parasitology
Grad Student
Chris Zelinka
Major Prof: Dr. Peter Fraser