As a TA, if you observe academic dishonesty by a student in a class under
your supervision you are required to follow up on it. The rst thing to do
is to collect and preserve the evidence. The next step is to confer with the
course instructor/coordinator, explain what happened and what evidence you
have. The course instructor/coordinator will help you determine if academic
dishonesty has occurred and will help you work through resolving it following
the procedures laid out in the Academic Honor Policy. It is important to know
that the TAs role in resolving a potential case of academic dishonesty is not
done when he/she has reported the incident to the course instructor/coordinator.
Since you as the TA were the primary witness of the incident you will be needed
throughout the process of resolving the issues.
Departmental Policies on Interpersonal Relationships between TAs
and Students and the University Policy on Sexual Harassment.
It is the policy of the Department that there should be no close interpersonal
relationship between a TA and a student in the section(s) of the course they are
teaching. You not only must not date your students, but you should not have as
a student a relative or in-law or someone with whom you formerly had a close
interpersonal relationship. If you nd you are assigned to a class in which there
is a student with whom you have a relationship, you should inform the course
instructor/coordinator and discuss what changes could be made to resolve the
problem. The purpose of this policy is to make sure that all students in a class
have, and feel they have, fair and equal treatment by their TA.
The University has a very explicit policy regarding sexual harassment and how
sexual harassment should be handled. In part the University denes sexual ha-
rassment as: “unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other
verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature directed at an employee or student
by another …” It is the responsibility of each TA to read and be familiar with
the University’s sexual harassment policy (see the Oce of Human Resources
website ). One particularly important aspect of this policy that pertains to TAs
is its reporting requirement. Under the University’s policy any supervisor who
has witnessed or becomes aware of an alleged occurrence of sexual harassment
by, or who receives a complaint of sexual harassment involving a person within
their purview is required to report the matter to the University’s Oce of Audit
Services. As a TA, all the students in the sections you are teaching are under
your “purview”, you are their supervisor in this context. If you think sexual
harassment is occurring in your class, or if sexual harassment is reported to you
by one of your students, you should immediately discuss the matter with the
students involved and with the course instructor/coordinator; if it appears that
sexual harassment has occurred then the course instructor/coordinator will be
obliged to report it to the University Auditor.
APPENDIX VII: Neuroscience Doctoral Program
The interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience includes faculty in several depart-