This summer, Florida State University's Office of STEM Teaching Activities (OSTA) will again be sponsoring the Saturday-at-the-Sea Summer Day Camp (SATS Camp), a program that introduces late middle school and early high school students to experimental marine ecology. To be eligible, students MUST be a Florida resident, be able to swim and be currently enrolled in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade.
The program is funded by the Office of STEM Teaching Activities at Florida State University. Each session will include 12 students and 2 teacher participants.
Dates: This year, we will be hosting, free-of-charge week- long day camps:
June 9-13, June 23-27, July 7-11, July 21-25
Cost: There is no charge for Florida Residents. This allows any student who expresses a desire to learn more about the marine environment and is nominated by their science teacher a chance to participate.
Application Deadline: Entire application must be postmarked by May 2, 2025.
Eligibility: To be eligible, students must be a Florida resident, be nominated by their current science teacher, be able to swim, and be enrolled in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade in Florida.
Camp Details: Camp participants will be forming research teams and investigating ecological questions, as well as learning more about the local marine habitats and how they fit in. Students will be collecting and analyzing data; discussing and interpreting their results; and presenting their findings to their peers. In short, they will become marine scientists for the week! Never fear, though, SATS Camp will not be all work and no play!
Camp Goals: The goal of the SATS Camp Program is to provide positive, science-related experiences for Florida Students. We hope that the SATS Camp experience will encourage these students to choose further instruction and eventually careers in sciences, as well as raise their environmental consciousness as they learn more about their coastal marine resources.
How to Apply: If you need assistance, contact
Saturday-at-the-Sea Summer Camp is a component of the FSU Department of Biological Science's
Office of STEM Teaching Activities (OSTA)