Departmental Undergraduate Scholarships and Awards
Looking for Graduate Scholarships?
Each fall, the Biology Department will notify students when applications will be accepted for consideration. Award announcements will be made at the annual departmental awards ceremony.
The deadline for Faculty Nominations is August 15, 2024. For those awards which require a faculty nomination, the faculty member should notify the student directly of their nomination so the student can apply on FS4U. The faculty member will then be notified by email and asked to submit the nomination/recommendation letter to FS4U
Applications will open August 15, 2024 and the deadline for all application materials is midnight on September 15, 2024 (in case of emergency preventing on-time submission, email
Please contact April Wooten if you need assistance!
Outstanding Academic Achievement Awards
Caffrey Scholarship
Faculty Award for Undergrad Scholarship (faculty nominated)
Fisher Scholarship
McAllister Scholarship
McKeown Scholarship
Thrower Scholarship (Undergrad)
Vaughn-Jordan Scholarship
Research Support Awards
Travel Awards
Biological Science Alumni Scholarship 
Award: up to $1000
The Biological Science Alumni Scholarship provides an award of up to $1000 to an outstanding upper-division undergraduate at Florida State University majoring in biological science. This scholarship is intended to support talented undergraduates in pursuing professional careers in biological science.Selection of the recipient is made on the basis of demonstrated financial need academic excellence and evidence of exceptional potential for a career as a research scientist.
- Biological Science major; Demonstrated interest in and aptitude for basic research; Completed at least 30 semester hours of academic course work at Florida State; Completed at least 60 semester hours towards the degree by beginning of the fall semester in which application is submitted; Demonstrated financial need; Students may apply directly or may be nominated for this award by faculty members. Nominated students will be asked to complete an application.
Selection Criteria:
Academic performance at the university level
Evidence of interest in and aptitude for basic research
Evidence of financial need
Application Items:
unofficial transcript
evidence or statement of financial need
2 letters of evaluation from faculty and/or research professionals
personal statement including evidence of interest in and aptitude for basic research and academic background
career plans
John Mark Caffery Endowed Scholarship 
Award: up to $1500
The John Mark Caffrey Scholarships provide awards of $1500 to outstanding senior undergraduates at Florida State University who intend to pursue research careers in biochemistry, biological science, physiology, or structural biology. Selection of the recipients is made on the basis of academic excellence and evidence of exceptional potential for a career as a research scientist.
- Biochemistry, Biological Science, or Chemistry major; demonstrated interest in and aptitude for basic research in the fields of biochemistry, biological science, structural biology, or physiology; senior status (completed at least 90 semester hours toward the degree by beginning of the fall semester in which application is submitted); minimum overall GPA of 3.3
Selection Criteria:
academic performance at the university level
evidence of aptitude and competence in basic research
career plans in the area of research biochemistry, biological science, structural biology, or physiology
Application Items:
Unofficial transcript
2 letters of evaluation from faculty and/or research professionals. One letter should be written by the sponsor of the applicant's undergraduate research experience
personal statement addressing the applicant's a) research experience and interests, b) academic background, and c) career goals and plans. Statement should discuss the relevance of basic research to the applicant's career goals.
Biological Science Faculty Award for Undergraduate Scholarship 
Award: up to $1350
A scholarship of up to $1350 awarded annually to the outstanding senior biological science major.
Application Items:
- Nomination letter from faculty (submitted at time of nomination). The nominee will be asked to provide an unofficial transcript.
Francenia E. Fisher Scholarship 

Award: $2500
The Francenia E. Fisher Scholarship provides an award of $2500 to an outstanding senior undergraduate at Florida State University majoring in biological science and specializing in the plant sciences. This scholarship is intended to encourage talented undergraduates to pursue a career in plant biology. A subsequent scholarship of $5000 may be awarded if the recipient is admitted for graduate study in plant pathology at Michigan State University in East Lansing.
- Biological Science major; demonstrated interest in plant sciences; Senior status (completed at least 90 semester hours toward the degree be beginning of the fall semester in which application is submitted)
Selection Criteria:
Academic performance at the university level
evidence of aptitude and competence in botany
career plans in the area of plant sciences
evidence of an interest in plant pathology
Application Items:
Unofficial transcript
2 letters of evaluation from faculty or research professionals
personal statement including evidence of interest in and aptitude for study in the plant sciences, academic background, career plans, and relevance of interest in plant sciences to career plans
Students may apply directly or may be nominated for this award by faculty members. Nominated students will be asked to complete an application.
Charles M. McAllister Scholarship 
Award: 2 x $500
The Charles M. McAllister Scholarship provides up to two $500 awards each year to outstanding upper-division undergraduate students majoring in biological science at Florida State University. This scholarship is intended to aid students in conducting research (BSC4900 - Directed Individual Study; BSC 4970 – Honors in the Major) in lieu of doing part-time work. Selection of the awardees is made on the basis of demonstrated financial need, sound academic performance and potential for undergraduate research.
- Biological Science major; completed at least 30 semester hours of academic course work at Florida State; Completed at least 60 semester hours towards the degree by beginning of the fall semester in which application is submitted; Demonstrated financial need; Students may apply directly or may be nominated for this award by faculty members. Nominated students will be asked to complete an application.
Selection Criteria:
Evidence of financial need
academic performance
potential for undergraduate research
quality of research plan
Application Items:
unofficial FSU transcript
evidence or statement of financial need
research plan description
2 letters of evaluation from faculty and/or research professionals
personal statement including academic and research interests and career plans
Kevin L. McKeown Memorial Scholarship 
Award: up to $1250
A scholarship of up to $1250 awarded annually to an outstanding junior biological science major who is a permanent resident of Pinellas County, Florida. The recipient MUST be a junior or junior college transfer at the time of the award (this fall).
- An outstanding junior biological science major who is a permanent resident of Pinellas County, Florida. The recipient MUST be a junior or junior college transfer at the time of the award (this fall).
Application Items:
submit proof of permanent resident of Pinellas County, Florida
resume of activities
unofficial transcript

Robert B. Short Fellowship in Zoology (Undergrad) 

Award: up to $1,000
The Robert B. Short Scholarship in Zoology will support the awardee's participation in an off-campus organized research experience or training program, or specialized course of study, such as are offered at the Duke University Marine Station, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, or the Mountain Lake Biological Station. Selection of the awardee is based on academic qualifications demonstrated interest in a career in zoology unmet expenses associated with participation in the program and the relevance of the proposed off-campus experience to the applicant's biological and career interests
- Currently enrolled undergraduate students in the Department of Biological Science who demonstrate an interest in zoology as a career.
Selection Criteria:
academic performance including research
evidence of aptitude and competence
financial need
relevance of the off-campus experience to applicant's career goals
Application Items:
Candidate's statement on academic and research interests and career plans
Unofficial FSU transcript
Statement of costs and financial resources
Description of off-campus program or short course
Letter of evaluation from faculty

Professor Robert B. Short and graduate assistant doing research in parasitic worms (1956).
Ben and Karen Thrower Scholarship 
Award: $500
A scholarship of $500 will be awarded each fall term to provide support for one undergraduate student within the Department of Biological Science.
Selection Criteria:
- Selection is based on academic merit and may be directed to those pursuing research within the department.
Application Items:
an abstract of your most recent research
a statement of career relevance
your unofficial FSU transcript
a letter of evaluation to be requested from a Biology professor
Lamar and Edith Trott Scholarship 
Award: up to $1,000
This scholarship provides up to $1000 for an undergraduate or up to $3000 for a graduate student to do research. The funds may be used for travel to a research site, supplies, data analysis or anything else needed for the student to conduct their research. Preference will be given to students who need the funds for the actual conduct of research rather than to attend a research-related workshop or training program.
- Currently enrolled undergraduate students in the Department of Biological Science.
Selection Criteria:
- Selection will be based on the importance and originality of the proposed research and the student's major professor/faculty research supervisor must explain why the work cannot be accomplished with grant funds. Preference will be given to students who need the funds for the actual conduct of research rather than to attend a research-related workshop or training program.
Application Items:
The student's unofficial transcript
a description of the student's research
an explanation of how the funds will be spent
The student must request a supporting letter from the student's major professor/faculty supervisor. This letter must be to explain why the work cannot be accomplished with grant funds.
The student's unofficial transcript
a description of the student's research
an explanation of how the funds will be spent
The student must request a supporting letter from the student's major professor/faculty supervisor. This letter must be to explain why the work cannot be accomplished with grant funds.
Varina Vaughn - Winona Jordan Scholarship 

Award: up to $1,000
The Varina Vaughn - Winona Jordan Scholarship provides an award of up to $1000 to an outstanding upper-division undergraduate at Florida State University majoring in biological science and specializing in the plant sciences. This scholarship is intended to assist academically strong and financially needy students who intend to pursue careers in the plant sciences. Selection of the recipient is made on the basis of academic excellence, financial need, and demonstrated interest in the plant sciences.
- Biological Science major; demonstrated interest in plant sciences; Completed at least 60 semester hours towards the degree by beginning of the fall semester in which application is submitted
Selection Criteria:
Demonstrated financial need
academic performance at the university level
evidence of interest and aptitude in the plant sciences
description of career plans in the area of plant sciences
Application Items:
student's unofficial transcript
evidence or statement of financial need
research plan description
2 letters of evaluation from faculty and/or botanical professionals
personal statement of one or more pages describing the applicant's a) research experience, b) evidence of interest in and aptitude for study in the plant sciences, and c) relevance of your interest in plant sciences to those career plans
students may apply directly or may be nominated for this award by faculty members.