Each YSP participant partakes in an individual research project [IRP], which involves the student in interaction with his or her peers and with college professors and staff. The student can choose among various project choices, some concentrated on the biological aspect of science, while others involve research in physics, and still some projects take interest in technology and computer science. The project enlists one, two, or three participants to collaborate on the research. The IRP assignments can possibly entail laboratory work, outdoor field resesarch, and computer programming. The YSP participant works diligently for the length of the program - six weeks - in his or her field, building up to a final research paper, poster, and formal presentation detailing the project's purpose, methods, results, and conclusions. The poster session allows the student to interact with acknowledged faculty members and other guests and to explain the process and results of the research. The IRP provides an amazing opportunity for a high-school student to be exposed to the actual field of science and math research.