BOT 3800 Sample Quiz 10
For no. 1-11, use a potential answer only once, i.e., choose the single, best answer possible. 

__ 1. gout treatment 

__ 2. carcinogen, but old time herbal drink 

__ 3. heart stimulant 

__ 4. cancer (leukemia) treatment 

__ 5. treatment for malaria 

__ 6. treatment for damaged vertebral discs 

__ 7. dilation of the eyes 

__ 8. treatment of leprosy 

__ 9. sedative + sleep producer (alkaloidal) 

__ 10. pain killer + fever depressant (non-alkaloidal) 

__ 11. treatment for hypertension and stress 


A. Atropa, belladonna 
H. Erythroxylon, cocaine
B. Carica, papaya 
J. Papaver, opium poppy
C. chaulmoogra
K. Rauvolfia, snakeroot
D. Cinchona, quinine
L. Salix, willow
E. Colchicum, autumn crocus 
M. Sassafras
F. Conium, hemlock
N. Vinca, Madagascan periwinkle
G. Digitalis, foxglove


For no. 12-15, use the same set of possible answers above (A-N) to identify the plant best associated with the following names (answers can now be “reused”). 

__ 12. Jesuit’s powder 

__ 13. Dr. Joseph Rock 

__ 14. Dr. Sigmund Freud 

__ 15. Dr. Withering