BOT 3800 Sample Quiz 5
Match the following: 

__ 1. a simple fruit with its wall generally soft and juicy with a pulpy interior, usually many seeded. 
__ 2. simple, single-seeded fruit with distinctive wall layers, the innermost a “stone” or “pit”. 
__ 3. a fruit matured from several separate ovaries coming from the same flower. 
__ 4. a fruit composed of the ovaries coming from several separate flowers. 
__ 5. an apple, for example. 
__ 6. a raspberry, for example. 
__ 7. a tomato. 


A. achene 
B. aggregate 
C. berry 
D. capsule 
E. drupe 
F. multiple 
G. pome 

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8. TVP or textured-vegetable-protein is obtained mainly from: (A) precatory beans, (B) yams, (C) potatoes, (D) peanuts, (E) soybeans, (F) black-eyed peas, (G) mangoes. 

9. Which domestic plant originated from a wild species of the Florida panhandle: (A) yam, (B) cranberry, (C) black-eyed pea, (D) onion, (E) blueberry, (F) peanut, (G) walnut. 

10. a natural meat-tenderizer comes from: (A) mango, (B) cashew, (C) pineapple, (D) papaya, (E) avocado, (F) durian, (G) mangosteen. 

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Match two (and only 2!) crop plants with their correct plant family: 

____ 11-12. Apiaceae (carrot or umbel family) 
____ 13-14. Brassicaceae (mustard or crucifer family) 
____ 15-20. three other families we emphasized will be considered here. 


A. alfalfa O. manihot 
B. artichoke P. onion 
C. asparagus Q. parsley 
D. bell pepper R. potato 
E. broccoli S. quinoa 
F. carob T. radish 
G. cauliflower U. safflower 
H. celery V. spinach 
J. dill W. squash 
K. eggplant X. sugarbeet 
L. garlic Y. taro 
M. lettuce Z. yam 
N. luffa