BOT 3800 Sample Quiz 9
Match the following sets of plants with their proper family: 

__ 1. jimsonweed, Datura; henbane 

__ 2. castorbean, Ricinus; tread-softly 

__ 3. Wisteria; locoweed 

__ 4. larkspur, Delphinium; monkshood 


A. Asteraceae (sunflower family) 
B. Euphorbiaceae (spurge family) 
C. Fabaceae or Leguminosae (pea family) 
D. Lamiaceae or Labiatae (mint family) 
E. Ranunculaceae (buttercup family) 
F. Rosaceae (rose family) 
G. Solanaceae (tomato or potato family) 


Select two (and only 2!) correct answers for each of the following questions: 

7-8. Cardiac glycosides are found in: (A) foxglove, Digitalis, (B) oleander, (C) pokeweed, (D) buffalo nut, (E) Halogeton, (F) water hemlock, Cicuta, (G) nightshade, Atropa.

9-10. Toxic resins and resinoids are found in: (A) cherry, Prunus, (B) castorbean,(C) mandrake, (D) pokeweed, (E) azalea, (F) water hemlock, (G) chinaberry, Melia.

11-12. Cyanogenic glycosides are found in: (A) cherry leaves, (B) manihot roots, (C) cascara bark, (D) castorbean, (E) prince’s plume, Stanleya, (F) fly agaric, Amanita.

13-14. Poisons classed as phytotoxins (RIP’s) characterize which plants: (A) opium poppy, (B) precatory bean, Abrus, (C) Halogeton, (D) castorbean, Ricinus, (E) water hemlock, Cicuta, (F) mistletoe.