

Anderson, K.E., B.D. Inouye and N. Underwood. 2009. Modeling herbivore competition mediated by inducible changes in plant quality. Oikos 118: 1633-1646.

Underwood, N. 2009. Effect of genetic variation in plant quality on the population dynamics of an herbivorous insect. Journal of Animal Ecology 78: 839-847.

Hughes, A.R., B.D. Inouye, M.T.J. Johnson, N. Underwood and M. Vellend. 2008. Ecological consequences of genetic diversity. Ecology Letters 11:609-623.

Underwood, N. 2007. Variation in and correlation between rate of increase and carrying capacity. American Naturalist 169:136-141

Halpern, S. and N. Underwood. 2006. Approaches for testing herbivore effects on plant population dynamics. Journal of Applied Ecology 43:922-929

Inouye, B.D., Underwood, N., Doak, D.F. and P. Kareiva. 2006. Interviewing for academic jobs. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 87(2): 155-158

Tiffin, P., Inouye, B.D. and N. Underwood. 2005. Induction and herbivore mobility affect the evolution of plant defenses and herbivore counter defense. Evolutionary Ecology Research 8:265-277.

Underwood, N., Hamback, P. and B.D. Inouye. 2005. Large-scale questions and small-scale data: empirical and theoretical methods for scaling-up in ecology Oecologia 145: 177-178

Underwood, N., K. Anderson and B. Inouye. 2005. Induced versus constitutive resistance and the spatial distribution of insect herbivores among plants. Ecology 86:594-602.

Agrawal, A.A., N. Underwood, and J.R. Stinchcombe. 2004. Intraspecific variation in the strength of density dependence in aphid populations. Ecological Entomology 29:521-526

Schlessman, M.A., N. Underwood, T. Watkins, L.M. Graceffa, & D. Cordray.  2004.  Functions of staminate flowers in andromonoecious Pseudocymopterus montanus (Apiaceae, Apioidae).  Plant Species Biology 19:1-12.

Hummel, N. A., Zalom, F. G., Miyao, G. M., Underwood, N. C., and A. Villalobos. 2004. Potato Aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), in tomatoes: plant canopy distribution and binomal sampling of processing tomatoes in California. Journal of Economic Entomology. 97(2):490-495.

Underwood, N. 2004. Variance and skew of the distribution of plant quality influence herbivore population dynamics. Ecology 85:686-693. 

Underwood, N. and M.D. Rausher. 2002. Comparing the consequences of induced and constitutive resistance for herbivore population dynamics. American Naturalist 160:20-30.

Underwood, N., M. Rausher and C.W. Cook. 2002. Bioassay versus chemical assay: Measuring the impact of induced and constitutive resistance on herbivores in the field. Oecologia 131:211-219.

Underwood, N. and M.D. Rausher. 2000. The effects of host-plant genotype on herbivore population dynamics in a model system. Ecology 81:1565-1576.

Underwood, N.  2000. Density dependence in induced plant resistance to herbivore damage: threshold, strength and genetic variation. Oikos 89: 295-300.

Underwood, N., Morris, W.F., Lockwood, J.R., Gross, K. 2000. Induced resistance to Mexican bean beetles in soybean: variation among genotypes and lack of correlation with constitutive resistance. Oecologia 122:83-89.

Underwood, N. 1999. The interaction between induced plant resistance and herbivore population dynamics. Pages 211-229 in A. Agrawal, et al. editors, Induced plant defenses against pathogens and herbivores: biochemistry, ecology, and agriculture. American Phytopathological Society Press, St. Paul, Minnesota.

Underwood, N. 1999. The influence of plant and herbivore characteristics on the interaction between induced resistance and herbivore population dynamics. American Naturalist 153:282-294.

Underwood, N. 1998. The timing of induced resistance and induced susceptibility in the soybean - Mexican bean beetle system. Oecologia 114:376-381.

Morris, W.F., Inouye, B.D. and N. Underwood. 1996. A grand synthesis or a wealth of perspectives. Ecology 77(5):1642-1643 (book review)

Schlessman, M.A., Underwood, N.C. and L.M. Graceffa. 1996. Floral phenology of sex-changing dwarf ginseng (Panax trifolium L., Araliaceae). American Midland Naturalist 135:144-152