Lab members


Thomas E.X. Miller (PhD University of Nebraska, Lincoln)
Research interests: spatial spread of invasive insects
Now Huxley Fellow at Rice Univeristy, but still coming back to visit

email: tom.miller(at)

Position open!



Colin Venner (BA Dennison University)
Research interests:tba
picture coming soon Emily Sipe (BA Pacfic University)
Research interests: tba
picture coming soon


Amanda Buchanan, graduate student (BA University of Oregon). Research interests: Joint effects of pollinators and herbivores on plant allocation strategies

David McNutt, graduate student (BA Indiana University). Research interests: evolution of plant resistance strategies
Tania Kim, graduate student (MS University of Florida). Research interests: effects of insect herbivores on plant communities
Josh Grinath , graduate student (BA Cornell University). Research interests: mutualism and community ecology
Nicole Leibowich, undergradate research assistant comming soon Jessica Stanfield , undergraduate research assistant

Megan Mayo, undergraduate research assistant

comming soon Eric Oien, undergraduate research assistant


Former lab members (where are they now?):


Tom E.X. Miller (PhD University of Nebraska). Huxley Faculty Fellow, Rice University. Research interests: demographic consequences of biotic interactions

Jessica Hines (PhD University of Maryland, College Park). Now a postdoc in Switzerland.

Kurt Anderson (PhD UC Santa Barbara). Assistant Research Biologist, UC Riverside. Research interests: quantitative and theoretical ecology

Stacey Halpern (PhD University of Minnesota). Assistant professor, Pacific University, OR. Research interests: Plant-insect interactions; evolution in response to environmental stress; influence of herbivores on invasive plants



John Fort (BA Swarthmore College). MS student, Interdisciplinary Ecology program, University of Florida.

Alex Forde (BA Carleton College). PhD Student, University of Maryland, College Park.

David Honig (BA Grinnell College). English instructor somewhere in France, no doubt with excellent food

Joseph Simonis (BA University of Illinois). PhD student, Cornell University. Research interests: aquatic community ecology

Katherine McAlister (BA Swarthmore College). Teacher, SciCon school of science and conservation, Tulare Co, CA.

Robin Hopkins (BA Brown University). PhD student, Duke University. Research intersts: plant mating system evolution



Troy Simon, graduating soon....

Ryan Eckert, BA Department of Biological Science, FSU. Hiking the Appalachian Trail!

Michael Martinez, BA Department of Biological Science, FSU. Vet school bound?

Katty Paulino, BA Department of Biological Science, FSU.

Meredith Robbins, Vet school bound

Anna Gutterman, BA Department of Biological Science Florida State. FSU school of Nursing.

Maria Sardi, undergraduate research assistant. Current position unknown

Nana Cudjoe, BA Department of Biological Science, FSU. Med school bound.

Amber Lefstead. BA Department of Biological Science Florida State. MS in Conservation Biology, University of Maryland. Now with WaterSense , Office of Water in Washington DC.

Brian Bielfelt. BA, Department of Biological Science, Florida State University. Professional birder (bird surveys, southern Arizonza and elsewhere)

Corinne Klein. BA, Department of Entomology, University of California Davis. Research technician, US Department of Agriculture

Emily Fairbanks. BA, Department of Psychology, Florida State University.

Amanda White. B.A., Department of Biological Science, Florida State University. FSU Med School and then?

Melanie Baker. PhD, North Carolina State University, Department of Entomology. UN FAO, Rome Italy

Natalie Hummel. PhD, University of California Davis, Department of Entomology. Rice Extension Entomologist, LA State University

Molly Puente. PhD, North Carolina State University, Department of Entomology. NIH Administrative Fellow

Toshihiko Yoshida. Graduate student, Michigan State University???