Thursday, 13 April, Amsterdam: disembarkation and home to Tallahassee
Written 28 June 2023
We were up with the birds next morning, and Viking considerately opened the continental breakfast buffet at 3 am (our was not the first, or even the second, bus to the airport), so we could get a cup of tea and a bun before catching our ride.
One great advantage of Zaandam as a secondary docking location, from Viking's point of view, is that the trigonometry works out such that the drive times to and from Keukenhof, Haarlem, and Schipol are all the same as for Amsterdam, so they don't have to adjust their transportation schedules. We got to the airport in plenty of time, no lines to wait through, and checked in with ample time for a second breakfast in the KLM VIP lounge.
Our flight was so uneventful that I don't even remember what movies I watched. We had a decent meal (salmon, I think), and got to Atlanta on time.
The escalator to E concourse (I think) was decorated with bizarre and fanciful animals made of, or at least coated with these little pegs, flat on one end and blunt-pointed on the other—golf tees? pipette tips?
The food in the Delta lounge hadn't changed much. Big tureen of chicken noodle soup, with multiple sauces and sprinkles.
Big skillets of pasta with tomato sauce, lumps of chicken, and bbq ribs, again with a variety of sauces to be added. Cold assortment of little chicken sliders, cold cuts, cheese cubes, chips, dips, fruit, salad, and cookies.
Our flight back to Tallahassee was also on time and uneventful, and we had time to take our trusty neighbor Carolyn, who picked us up, out to supper on the way home at our favorite greasy fried fish joint.
So that's another Viking cruise (or two) in the books!
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