Curriculum Vitae
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Emily H. DuVal |
2005 - Ph.D., Integrative Biology, University of California at Berkeley. Committee chair: Eileen A. Lacey, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. Dissertation: Adaptive advantages of cooperative courtship in the Lance-tailed Manakin (Chiroxiphia lanceolata).
1997 - B.A. with Honors, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Sociology, Rice University, Houston, TX.
2021-present Professor, Florida State University, Department of Biological Science
2015-2021 Associate Professor, Florida State University, Department of Biological Science
2008-2015 Assistant Professor, Florida State University, Department of Biological Science
2005-7 Postdoctoral researcher, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen, Germany. Advisor: Bart Kempenaers.
2003-4 NSF GK-12 Graduate Teaching Fellow, in collaboration with the Berkeley Natural History Museums and Pittsburg High School. "Exploring California's Biodiversity."
2002 NSF Graduate Research Fellow, University of California at Berkeley
2002 Graduate Student Instructor, Ornithology, UC Berkeley.
2001 Graduate Student Instructor, Natural History of Vertebrates, UC Berkeley.
2000 Graduate Student Instructor, American Wildlife, UC Berkeley.
1999 Graduate Student Instructor, Introductory Biology, UC Berkeley.
1997 Fellow, The Watson Foundation. Project: Compromises between traditional hunting and conservation of endangered species in Guyana, Australia, and New Zealand.
1996 NSF REU, University of Michigan Biological Station, Pellston, MI. Advisor: Phil Myers
Rivers, P.R., DuVal, E.H. (2024) Chemical cues in the mating behavior of a highly polygynous bird. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 78, 69
DuVal, E.H., C.L. Fitzpatrick, E.A.Hobson, M.R. Servedio. (2023) Inferred Attractiveness: a generalized mechanism for sexual selection that can maintain variation in traits and preferences over time. PLoS Biology. 21(10): e3002269. [Winner of the 2024 Katma Award from AOS]
Norton, J.E.* and E.H. DuVal. (2023) Causes and consequences of nest-site fidelity in a tropical lekking bird: Win-stay-lose-shift tactics are unrelated to subsequent success, but site-faithful females nest earlier. Ornithology. 140(3). *undergraduate researcher
Dietz, S.L. E. H. DuVal, J. A. Cox. (2022) Factors influencing dispersal initiation and timing in a facultative cooperative breeder. Behavioral Ecology. arac033.
Shogren, E., Anciaes, M., Barske, J., Cestari, C., DuVal, E., Gaiotti, M., Johnson, E., Kimball, R., Marini, M., Ryder, T. B., Scholer, M., Ungvari, J., White, S., & Boyle, A. (2022). Dancing drives evolution of sexual size dimorphism in manakins. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B. 289: 20212540.
Cusick, J.A., DuVal, E.H., Cox, J.A. (2021) Breeder aggression does not predict current or future cooperative group formation in a cooperatively breeding bird. Ethology 127: 404-415
Jones, B.C., L.T. Nguyen, and E.H. DuVal (2021) Testing the developmental hypothesis of the HPA axis in a tropical passerine: Dampened corticosterone response and faster negative feedback in nestling lance-tailed manakins (Chiroxiphia lanceolata). General and Comparative Endocrinology 300: 113639. DOI: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2020.113639
Rivers, P.R. and E.H. DuVal (2020) Multiple paternity in a lek mating system: females mate multiply when they choose inexperienced sires. Journal of Animal Ecology. 89: 1142-1152. DATA JAE In Focus article highlighting these results.
DuVal, E.H. and B.C. Jones. (2020) I'll have what she's having: a comment on Davies et al. Behavioral Ecology, araa081,
Jones, B.C. and E.H. DuVal. (2019) Mechanisms of social influence: a meta-analysis of the effects of social information on female mate choice decisions. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 7 (390): DATA
Jones, B.C. and E.H. DuVal. (2019) Direct and indirect effects of the El Nino Southern Oscillation on development and survival of young of a tropical passerine. Oecologia. 190 (2): 485-496. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-019-04418-9
Whittaker, D.J., M. Kuzel, M.J.E. Burrell, H.A. Soini, M. V. Novotny, E.H. DuVal. (2019) Chemical signals reflect heterozygosity and seasonality in a tropical lekking passerine bird. Animal Behavior. 151:67-75.
Jones, B.C. and E.H. DuVal. (2019) Artificial incubation does not affect the post-hatch development, health, or survival of a tropical passerine. Condor: Ornithological Applications. 121(2):
Cox, J.A., J.A. Cusick, and E.H. DuVal (2019) Experimentally manipulated adult sex ratios alter cooperative behavior in a cavity-nesting songbird. Behavioral Ecology. 30: 883-893 [editor’s choice in July-August issue; featured in Current Biology, featured Academic Minute broadcast.
James, F. C. and E. H. DuVal. (2019) History of Ornithology at Florida State University. In: Contributions to the history of North American ornithology, volume 4. W. E. David Jr, ed. Nuttall Ornithological Club, Cambridge, MA.
Cusick, J.A., M. deVilla, E.H. DuVal, and J. A. Cox. (2018) How do helpers help? Helper contributions throughout the nesting cycle in the cooperatively breeding brown- headed nuthatch. Behavioral Ecoloy and Sociobiology 72:43.
DuVal, E.H., C.C. Vanderbilt, and L. M'Gonigle. (2018) The spatial dynamics of female choice in an exploded lek generate benefits of aggregation for experienced males. Animal BehaviourDOI: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2018.01.009
E.H. DuVal and J.A. Kapoor. (2015) Causes and consequences of variation in female mate search investment in a lekking bird. Behavioral Ecology. doi:10.1093/beheco/arv110
Vanderbilt, C.C., Kelley, J.P.,and E.H. DuVal. (2015) Variation in the performance of cross-contextual displays suggests selection on dual-male phenotypes in a lekking bird. Animal Behaviour. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2015.06.023
Jones, M.A., E.H. DuVal, and A. Boyle. (2014) Individual and temporal variability in the courtship behavior of White-ruffed Manakins. The Auk: Ornithological Advances. 131:727-742. DOI: 10.1642/AUK-14-96.1 PDF
Sardell, R.J. and E.H. DuVal. (2014) Small and variable sperm sizes suggest low sperm competition despite multiple paternity in a lekking suboscine bird. The Auk: Ornithological Advances. 131: 660-671. DOI: 10.1642/AUK-14-38.1 PDF
Sardell R.J., B. Kempenaers, and E.H. DuVal. (2014) Female mating preferences and offspring survival: testing hypotheses on the genetic basis of mate choice in a wild lekking bird. Molecular Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/mec.12652. [email to request a PDF]
Sardell R.J. and E.H. DuVal. (2014) Differential allocation in a lekking bird: females lay larger eggs and are more likely to have male chicks when they mate with less related males. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, 281: 20132386. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2013.2386 [email to request a PDF]
Diaz-Munoz, S.L., E.H. DuVal, A.H. Krakauer, E.A. Lacey. (2014) Cooperating to compete: altruism, sexual selection and causes of male reproductive ooperation. Animal Behaviour 88: 67-78. PDF (Open Access)
DuVal, E. H. (2013) Does cooperation increase helpers' later success as breeders? A test of the skills hypothesis in the cooperatively displaying lance-tailed manakin. Journal of Animal Ecology, 82, 884-893. [email to request a PDF; reseach featured in French popular science magazine Le Monde de l'intelligence, Nov-Dec 2013, article by Claire Lecoeuvre]
DuVal, E. H. (2013) Female mate fidelity in a lek mating system and its implications for the evolution of cooperative lekking behavior. American Naturalist, 181, 213-222. PDF
DuVal, E.H. (2012) Variation in annual and lifetime reproductive success of lance-tailed manakins: experience as an alpha offsets senescence in siring success. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B. 279: 1551-1559. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2011.1840 PDF, data supplement
Krakauer, A.H., M.S. Webster, E.H. DuVal, A.G. Jones, S.M. Shuster. (2011) The opportunity for sexual selection: not mismeasured, just misunderstood. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. DOI: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2011.02317.x PDF
DuVal, E.H. and W. Goymann (2011). Hormonal correlates of social status and courtship display in a cooperatively lekking passerine. Hormones and Behavior 59: 44-50. (doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2010.10.004) PDF
Krakauer, A.H. and E.H. DuVal (2011). Kin selection and cooperative courtship in birds. In C. A. Salmon and T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Family Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.
DuVal, E. H. and B. Kempenaers. (2008) Sexual selection in a lekking bird: the relative opportunity for selection by female choice and male competition. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 275: 1995-2003. (doi: 10.1098/rspb.2008.0151) PDF
Laucht, S., E. H. DuVal, B. Kempenaers (2008) Maternal correlates of brood sex ratio variation in the lekking lance-tailed manakin. Journal of Avian Biology 39: 198-205.PDF
DuVal E.H. (2007) Cooperative display and lekking behavior of the lance-tailed manakin (Chiroxiphia lanceolata). The Auk 124 (4): 1168-1185. PDF
DuVal, E. H., K. L. Carter, and B. Kempenaers (2007) Isolation and characterization of novel microsatellite loci for parentage assessment in the lance-tailed manakin (Chiroxiphia lanceolata) Molecular Ecology Notes 7: 1111-1113. (doi:10.1111/j.1471-8286.2007.01795.x) PDF
DuVal, E. H. (2007) Adaptive advantages of cooperative courtship for subordinate male lance-tailed manakins. American Naturalist. 169 (4): 423-432. PDF; this research was featured by ScienceNOW,, CBC's Quirks and Quarks Radio Program, ScienceNews, The Washington Post, Smithsonian Magazine, Newsweek Poland, Jornal do Brasil, California Magazine, and various scientific blogs.
DuVal, E. H. (2007) Social organization and variation in cooperative alliances among male lance-tailed manakins. Animal Behaviour 73: 391-401. PDF
DuVal, E.H., H. W. Greene, and K. L. Manno (2006) Laughing falcon (Herpetotheres cachinnans) predation on Coral Snakes (Micrurus nigrocinctus). Biotropica 38(4): 566-568. PDF
DuVal, E. H. (2005) Age-based plumage changes in the lance-tailed manakin: a two-year delay in plumage maturation. The Condor 107: 915-920. PDF
DuVal, E. H. and K. J. Nutt (2005) Isolation and characterization of polymoprphic microsatellite loci in the lance-tailed manakin (Chiroxiphia lanceolata). Molecular Ecology Notes 5: 112-114. PDF
Johnson, K., DuVal, E., Kielt, M., Hughes, C. (2000) Male mating strategies and the mating system of great-tailed grackles. Behavioral Ecology 11: 132-141.
- 2023-2028 NSF LTREB: Sexual selection over time: evolutionary dynamics and outcomes of intense male competition and female mate choice in a lek mating system (award 2243423: $600,000 over 5 years)
- 2021 Planning Grant - FSU Council for Research and Creativity
- 2015 - 2022 NSF CAREER: Integrating evolutionary and mechanistic investigation of variation in cooperation and life history (award 1453408: $730,000, extended through 2022)
- 2015-2022 NSF Research Coordination Network RCN: Enabling comparative studies of the process and products of sexual selection in a genomic context ($499,901) DEB. PI Bette Loiselle (UF; Co-PIs Balakrishnan, Boyle, Braun, DuVal; extended through 2022)
- 2018 DAAD fellowship - German Academic Exchange Service
- 2015-16 NSF DDIG with Carla Vanderbilt, DISSERTATION RESEARCH: Understanding Variation in Motor Performance and Mate Choice in a Lekking Species with Complex, Acrobatic Displays (award 1501660, $19,760)
- 2015 National Geographic Committee for Research and Exploration: Investigating maternal investment in the lance-tailed manakin (grant 9656-15, $20,086).
- 2014 FSU Academic Engagement and Innovation Grant to enhance undergraduate teaching
- 2013-15 NSF DDIG with Megan Jones. Dissertation Research: Why Do Dominant Individuals Cooperate? Fitness Consequences Of Cooperative Courtship In A System With Variable Cooperative Partnerships (award 1311469; $19,100)
- 2009-2013 NSF IOS-Animal Behavior "Individual reproductive decisions: behavioral mechanisms and adaptive significance" (award 0843334; $320,000)
- 2008 First-year Assistant Professor Award, FSU Council on Research and Creativity
- 2004 Marcia Brady Tucker Travel Award American Ornithological Union
- 2003 Museum of Vertebrate Zoology Junea W. Kelly Fellowship, Spring
- 2001-03 NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant
- 2001 Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Short-term Fellowship
- 2001 Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Grants-in-aid of research
- 2001 UC Berkeley Vice Chancellor for Research Fund
- 2001 Animal Behavior Society Student Research Grant
- 2000 Manomet Bird Observatory Kathleen S. Anderson Award
- 2000 American Museum of Natural History Frank M. Chapman Memorial Fund
- 2000 American Ornithological Union Blake Award
- 1999, 2000 NSF-Berkeley Travel Grant
- 2000 SDE/Graduate Women in Science Eloise Gerry Fellowship
- 2000 Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid-of-Research, Spring
- 2000 UC Berkeley Integrative Biology Departmental Summer Awards
- 1998,1999 Kofford Memorial Fund, grant for field research
- 1997 NSF Predoctoral Fellowship
2022 elected as a Fellow of the Animal Behavior Society
2022 BBB Honorary Faculty Member, student-selected award, National Biological Honor Society
2022 Nominated for an FSU Honors Thesis Mentor Award
2020-2021 University Teaching Award, Outstanding Teaching in the Major, Florida State Univ.
2020 Nominated for an FSU Undergraduate Research Mentorship Award
2016 Fellow, American Ornithological Society (formerly AOU); elected
2015 Outstanding New Investigator Award, Animal Behavior Society
2015 University teaching award, Florida State University
2015 Critical Thinking Faculty Fellow, Florida State University
2009 Elective Member, American Ornithologists’ Union
2009 Ellias Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, FSU Departmental Award
2004 Warder Clyde Allee Award (best student paper), Animal Behavior Society
1997-1998 Thomas J. Watson Fellowship
- 2022 - 2026, Elected President, Animal Behavior Society; 4-year term of service spanning: second president elect, president elect, president, and past president
- Faculty Sponsor, Spoonbills Birding Society (FSU student-led organization)
- 2023- present, Editor, Behavioral Ecology
- 2021- present, Editorial board, Behavioral Ecology
- 2018 - 2021, Associate Editor, The American Naturalist
- 2017 - 2018, Guest editor, Animal Behaviour - journal issue on breeding aggregations with co-guest-editor Dr. Regina Macedo
- 2015 - 2018, Subject matter editor, Ecology
- 2015 - 2018, elected Member-at-Large, Animal Behavior Society
- 2005-present Manuscript reviewer for: Animal Behaviour, Auk, Behavioral Ecology, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Biology Letters, Ecology, Ethology, Evolution, Journal of Avian Biology, Journal of Animal Ecology, Journal of Field Ornithology, Journal of Ornithology, Ornitología Neotropical, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B
- Co-organizer, annual NSF GRFP workshop for first-year grad students and advanced undergraduates at FSU (August 2008 – present)
- 2004-06 Committee member: AOU Young Professionals' Committee.
- 1999-2000 Co-president, Berkeley Chapter of the Society for Conservation Biology.
2023 Invited seminar - FSU-Panama, Republic of Panama
2021 Invited seminar - Duke University
2021 Invited seminar - Australia National University
2021 Invited seminar - UC Berkeley MVZ
2020 Invited seminar - University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana
2020 Invited seminar - Texas A&M University
2019 Invited seminar - University of Kentucky
2019 Invited seminar - Linnean Society of New York - AMNH, New York
2019 Invited seminar - Indiana University
2019 Invited seminar - the Nuttall Ornithological Club, Boston.
2017 Invited Symposium Participant – ASN Educational Symposium, Evolution 2017
2016 Invited seminar, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
2016 Invited Symposium participant – North American Ornithological Congress (NAOC)
2015 Invited seminar, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
2015 Animal Behavior Society, oral presentation; Anchorage, AK
2014 International Society for Behavioral Ecology, oral presentation; New York, August
2014 Invited Seminar, University of Texas, Austin TX, April
2013 Invited Seminar, University of Memphis, Memphis TN, November
2013 American Ornithologists' Union, oral presentation; Chicago, IL, August
2013 American Ornithologists' Union, oral presentation by Sardell; Chicago, IL, August
2013 American Ornithologists' Union, oral presentation by Kelley; Chicago, IL, August
2013 Animal Behavior Society, poster presentation; Boulder, CO, July
2013 Invited conference participant, Winter Animal Behavior Conference (WABC)
2012 Invited seminar, Archbold Biological Station, Lake Placid, FL, January
2012 Invited seminar, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, January
2011 Invited seminar, University of Miami, Miami, FL, October
2011 American Ornithologists’ Union, oral presentation; Jacksonville, FL, August
2010 Animal Behavior Society, oral presentation; Williamsburg, VA, July
2010 Society for the Study of Evolution, oral presentation; Portland, OR, June
2010 Invited conference participant, Winter Animal Behavior Conference (WABC)
2009 Invited seminar, University of Florida
2009 Invited seminar, Kansas State University
2008 Invited seminar, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
2007 Symposium convener: Genetic insights into lekking behavior, AOU, Laramie WY
2007 Invited seminar, Cornell University Department of Neurobiology and Behavior
2007 Invited public seminar, Monday Night Series, Cornell U. Lab of Ornithology
2006 International Society for Behavioral Ecology, Tours, France; oral presentation
2006 International Ornithological Congress, Hamburg, Germany; poster presentation
2006 Invited seminar, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama City, Panama
2004 Invited seminar, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen Germany
2004 Animal Behavior Society, Oaxaca, Mexico; oral presentation
2004 American Ornithological Union, Quebec City, Canada 2004; oral presentation
Outreach activities
Partnership with Cornell Lab of Ornithology birdcams to support live-stream of lance-tailed manakin activity during the breeing season
Research presentations to community organizations: FSU Coastal and Marine Laboratory Conservation Lecture Series (2014), Apalachee Audubon Society (2012), FSU Women in Math Scoeince and Engineering (2010), Big Bend Bird Club (2010), Cornell Lab of Ornithology (2007)
Volunteer mentor - WITSON Piazza course, 2012
Board member - Big Bend/Leon Association of Science Teachers (BLAST) (2010-2011)
Featured research: Quirks & Quarks, CBC Radio. Jim Lebans, Producer. September 25, 2004. Box 500, Station A, Toronto, ON, Canada, M5W 1E6
Informal consultant: Yokosuka, Takahiro, Senior Director. 2004. Fabulous displays of manakins. Science & Environment Programs Division, NHK TV; 2-2-1 Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8001 Japan