The Nerve Impulse Seen from Outside
Dexter M. Easton July 2000 ©

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Topic 6. Na+ and K+ distributions are responsible for separate batteries

The access (conductance) through each kind of channel can be represented as a resistor in an equivalent circuit diagram, illustrated in Fig. 6.

The Na+ ions, carrying + charges inward, tend to make the inside positive to the outside. The K+ ions, moving outward, tend to make the outside positive to the inside. Imagine all the Na+ conductance channels lumped into one resistive (conductive) component, the K+ channels into another. The two components are arranged in parallel. Outside, the channels face the external medium; inside they face the cell interior.

Figure 6. The "double-battery" of the neuron membrane.

The Na+ distribution predicts inside +50 mV, and the K+ distribution predicts inside –100 mV (both with respect to outside considered as EM = 0). In the rest state the inside is about –60 mV, and thus all the ion species contribute, but in unequal degrees, to the membrane potential.

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