A variety of local facilities and organizations provide valuable research space, resources, and expertise:
FSU Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium -- a museum-quality collection of plant and microalgae specimens, focusing on North Florida and the Gulf and Atlantic coasts.
FSU Greenhouses and Mission Road Rsearch Facility -- research greenhouses on- and off-campus, ca. 2 acres of space for irrigated field experiments, and a research aviary. Off-campus facilities are 2.5 miles from main campus.
FSU Coastal and Marine Laboratory
FSUCML Academic Diving Program
Tall Timbers Research Station and Land Conservancy -- an independent field research station and conservancy focusing on fire ecology and land management about half an hour north of FSU.
North Florida Research and Education Center Quincy -- agricultural research station half an hour west of FSU, provides facilities for large field experiments.
Florida Natural Areas Inventory -- Florida’s natural heritage program is based at FSU; it gathers, interprets and disseminates information on FL biodiversity.