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Instructor: Dr. Jonathan Stern
email: stern@bio.fsu.edu
Office: 125 Conradi Building
phone: 644-5788

Lab Coordinator: Barbara Shoplock
email: bshop@bio.fsu.edu
Office: 237 Conradi Building
phone: 644-9828


Class Times:

  • Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8:00am - 9:15am, in 222 Conradi Bldg (CON)
  • Tuesdays: Lectures
  • Thursdays: Video Presentations, Review Session & Exams
  • Labs according to your individual assignments in 239 Conradi.

    ** Consult your Course Syllabus for further details. **

    Tuesday: Section 1 9:30 - 12:15 TA - Tim Swain
    Thursday: Section 2 9:30 - 12:15 TA - Tim Swain



  • An Introduction to Animal Diversity by Tschinkel, et al., 5th edition (required)
  • Animal Diversity, 3rd edition, by Hickman, Roberts and Larson (required)
  • BSC 2011L Course Notes (required). Available from Target Copy, 635 W. Tenn. St.
  • A Guide to Biology Lab by Rust (recommended)

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