The Houligans
David HouleAs you know, he does research. He enjoys living in Tallahassee, where you can get out of town quickly, and still find lots of good natural habitiat. His mental escapes from all this include gardening, board games, birding and bicycling. Want to know why I left the University of Toronto? Click here. |
Luke JonesLuke received a B.S. in Biological Science from Florida State University in 2011. His love of flies lured him back to Florida State in 2015 as a Ph.D. student. His interests continue to narrow, centering on questions of how development and evolution interact to create phenotypes, parallel evolution at the genetic level, and the predicability of genetic change. He is also passionate about honing his statistical and programming knowledge to better analyze data. He is currently undertaking a selection experiment using the species Drosophila simulans. In his free time he enjoys going out to eat, taking pictures, and just relaxing. |
Jacqueline SztepanaczJacqueline completed her PhD in 2016 at the University of Queensland in Australia, where she studied the evolution of genetic variation in the Australian fruit fly Drosophila serrata. As a post-doc in the Houle lab she is now studying pleiotropy, the phenomenon where individual mutations have effects on more than one trait. Despite the importance of pleiotropy in evolution, we have a pretty poor empirical understanding of it. Her current work is mostly focused on developing statistical approaches to estimate patterns of pleiotropic effects using data from genome wide association studies. She is also interested in how genetic covariances between males and females might constrain evolution in general and the evolution of sexual dimorphism. You can check out her publications here. |
Ryan FortuneRyan Fortune is a Florida State graduate who is currently taking a hiatus from further schooling to obtain valuable research experience in the Houle lab. Ryan is interested in genetics and evolutionary biology and will be studying behavioral genomics in graduate school at Iowa State University (Go Cyclones!). When he's not working, Ryan likes to spend time with his beautiful dog, Hamilton. |
Undergraduate Assistants
Kevin DohenyKevin is a senior in his last semester at FSU where he is studying Biology and Statistics. He has a special interest in Evolutionary Biology and more specially Molecular Evolution and the forces shaping it. He hopes to pursue his PhD after graduation and is currently applying to graduate programs. When not taking care of flies or coding in R he likes to lift weight and compete in powerlifting competitions. He also likes cold weather and mountains, so he wonders why he is still in Tallahassee. |
Connor MurrayConnor is a graduating senior biological science student. He has been doing independent research in the lab for a year analyzing interspective relationships between the wings and legs in Drosophila. He is pursuing his passion for research by attending graduate school at the University of Virginia in Fall 2019. He will explore topics pertaining to quantitative genetics and evolutionary medicine. He loves to travel and explore. |
Michael VazquezMichael is a pre-med student excited to use this lab experience to expand his knowledge which can then be used in the ever developing field of personalized medicine. He is happy to finally put his hobby of taking thousands of pictures of fruit flies to good use. |
Jade CheryJade Chery is currently a Junior at FSU. She hopes to find her main passion within the vast field of genetics, focusing on epigenetics. While still learning the ropes and gaining vast knowledge of D. melanogaster, Jade likes to indulge in harmless roasting and teasing. Her main weapon of choice is scrunching up her face and sucking her teeth. While everyone else fights to the death to become "the fastest imager in the lab," Jade focuses on sitting back and enjoying the show. |
Aaron DeeseAaron is a junior and an exercise science major. He hopes to attend optometry school starting in the fall of 2020. He was hired in the summer of 2018 and is excited to continue learning more about Drosophila melanogaster. When Aaron is not in the lab he can be seen scooting around Tallahassee, studying in Dirac, or hanging out with friends at one of the local watering holes. |
Allie WeatherwaxAllie is currently a junior at FSU pursuing a degree in Biology. She hopes to one day attend grad school to further her education, possibly in genetics but she still changes her mind weekly. Outside of the lab, Allie likes to be around her friends and go on adventures, when she's not stressing about all the work she's procrastinating. Allie is now focusing her attention on an honors thesis, working closely with Connor and learning more about some of the various Drosophila species. |
Stephanie ZechStephanie is a junior Biological Science major and a recnt addition to the Houle lab after volunteering in the previous semester. She enjoys working in the lab and gaining useful research experience. She has passions in genetics and molecular biology and plans to pursue reseach after graduation. Stephanie manages the stress of classes by being active outside and exploring Tallahassee. She has an eternal love for her pet cat, who does not love her back. |
Michaella Saint-JusteMichaella is currently a junior at Florida State as a biochemistry major. She recently joined the Houle lab after volunteering last semester. Her love for biology peaked her interest in genetics and she hopes to narrow down her interest. In her free time Michaella loves to eat, hang out with friends and family, and make conspiracy theories about NEtflix series. Michaella hopes to one day get her masters in some type of biology and work as a scientist that helps in the treatment of patients with immune disorders. |
Past Houligans