This project would not have been possible without the knowledge and help that
we have received from numerous people throughout North America.
We thank the participants in the first conference, who helped develop questions that
the project could address and protocols for field and lab work: Peter Armbruster,
Leszek A. Bledzki, Liane Cochran-Stafira, Marcel Holyoak, Mathew Leibold, Mark A.
McPeek, Robert F. C. Naczi, Joseph Travis, Jamie Kneitel, and Naomi Ward.
For help with field work we would like to thank Jim Cuthbertson, Chris Oakley, and
Sarah Yinger. For finding particular sites and obtaining permits to sample at those
sites, we would like to thank Sandra Newell, Ray Petersen, Gary Tennenbaum, Linda
Gintili, Bill Bradshaw, Christine Holzapfel, Ksenija Vujnovic, Phil Sheridan, Keith
Underwood, Susan Young, John Graham, Jennifer Windus, Emliss Ricks, Rich Dunbar,
Tony Reznicek, Edward Voss, Thomas Meyer, Mary Blickenderfer, Keith Wade, Mike Small,
Matt Cornish, Dan Mulrooney, Wasyl Bakowsky, David Firmage, Jim Goltz, Donna Giberson,
Randy Lauff, Robert Gauthier, Bruce Ford, Rob Naczi, Bob Wilson, Sheila Lamont, Jeff
Weir, Dan Frandsen, Brian Webster, Barton Feilders, Helios Hernandez, Doug MacDiarmid,
Norm Quinn, Rod MacCharles, Steve Grund, Loran Anderson, Steve Ginzbarg, Al Schotz,
Joyce Gould, Adolf Ceska, William McAvoy, Linda Chafin, Phillip Pruitt, Jacqueline
Lynd, Tom Patrick, Roger Hedge, Troy Wood, Meg Krawchuck, Robert Otto, Susan Gawler,
Charles Burchill, Kathyrn McCartney, Greg Petersen, Carol McCormick, Meg Krawchuk,
and Claude Bonchard. For help with obtaining permits to bring samples into the United
States from Canada, we thank Nicole Peltier and Jean Robillard.
We are especially indebted to other people for sampling specific sites for us: Ted
Johnson, Véronique Tremblay, Lissa Leege, and Peter Scott. Liane Cochran-Stafira,
Peter Armbruster, Leszek Bledzki, and Naomi Ward helped with the protocols for processing
and preserving the taxa in the lab.
For help in the lab in Tallahassee, we thank Sarah Yinger, Danielle Arellano, Elizabeth
Boyd, Brian Lawton, Maria Wise, and Jamie Kneitel. Leszek Bledzki analyzed the pore-water
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Biocomplexity Initiative of the National
Science Foundation for making this research possible (DEB-0083617).