The RMBL Phenology Project


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To collect the wildflower data, we count flowers of each plant species in the plots approximately every second day during the growing season. A set of 23 2 x 2 m plots have been followed since 1974 (excluding 1978 and 1990), and additional plots have been added through the years (two in 1985, three in 1998, two in 2004, four in 2017). Data are now collected in a total of 34 plots and up to 135 plant species have been recorded blooming.

Funding for this project has come from the National Science Foundation Long-term Research in Environmental Biology program. We are happy to share the data with those wanting to use it for teaching or research. To request to use the data, go to the Flower Data Google Form. More information is at the Open Science Framework flowers project page.


Since 2009, we have been monitoring the abundance and diversity of bees and flowering plants in sites across the elevation gradient near the RMBL. Every two weeks we pan trap and net for bees and record flowering abundance and phenology. More information on this part of the project can be found here.

Funding for this project has come from the National Science Foundation Long-term Research in Environmental Biology program. We are happy to share the data with those wanting to use it for teaching or research.

To request use of the bee data, go to the Bee Data Google Form. More information is at the Open Science Framework bee project page.





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