
Alternation of Generations: sexual reproductive cycle where the haploid gametophyte gives rise to gametes which then fuse to form a zygote. The diploid zygote undergoes mitosis producing a sporophyte which then gives rise to haploid spores after meiosis, completing the cycle.

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Green Algae: photosynthetic eukaryote, evolutionary precursor to plants.

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Haploid: (n) ploidy level of cells in which one set of chromosomes is contained.

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Diploid: (2n) ploidy level of cells in which two sets of chromosomes are contained.

Photoautotroph: an organism that is able to synthesize its nutrient requirements from light.

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Spore: a reproductive cell(s) that can grow into a larger body without being fertilized.

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Zygote: a cell formed by the fusion of gametes.

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