William H. Outlaw Jr.
The Peter H. Homann
Professor of Biological Science
Florida State University 

Office: 306 Biology Unit I (map)
Florida State University (map)
Tallahassee, FL 32306-3050 (map)
phone:644-4020 or 644-8568
fax: 644-0481
e-mail: outlaw@bio.fsu.edu

Curriculum Vitae
Resources for Students
Resources for Other Instructors
Lab Personnel
Southern Matters

 Statement of Teaching Philosophy

I embrace the role of teaching in my profession, and I am committed to excellence in instruction. Excellence encompasses personal dedication in the classroom, creation of opportunities for students, proper preparation of teaching assistants, and facilitation of teaching by peers here and elsewhere. The following paragraphs I detail how I express my commitment and the outcomes I expect.

It is my responsibility to expand, update, and improve my understanding so that I can be a positive role model for students. Current and general knowledge is required if one is to lead discussions intelligently, to place a topic in a broader framework, and to instill confidence in students.

I must motivate students regardless of their previous interest in or knowledge of the subject. Interacting personally with students, placing topics in a familiar or societal context, maintaining a holistic perspective, and sharing with them the responsibility for learning are positive ways to motivate students and generate enthusiasm among them.

I can enable students to learn efficiently. Making notes available, using visual aids, demonstrating with familiar materials, and preparing summaries and objectives are methods that allow students with different learning styles to grasp the material with reasonable effort.

I must ensure that each student achieves the grade goal toward which he or she works diligently. First, grading on an absolute, but high, standard has several positive consequences—absence of assessments based on relative mastery of the subject, absence of direct student competition, and absence of the preconception that some students will be failures. Second, providing detailed objectives that identify key elements provides a framework for preparation and for scheduled help sessions. Ultimately, personal accessibility and a supportive, respectful attitude are important.

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