The Nerve Impulse Seen from Outside
Dexter M. Easton July 2000 ©

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Topic 16: Electrical arrangements at the recorded end of the nerve

The Recording electrodes are arranged so that a + signal applied to the + marked terminal of the CRO yields an upward deflection of the CRO beam. The distal end of the nerve is drawn into tube A. When the stimulus at the proximal end (B, see Fig. 15) is sufficiently intense, there appears, following a delay after the artifact, an upward, then a downward deflection of the beam if the nerve has sufficiently recovered from the trauma of the dissection. Evidently, in tube A current flows along the outside of the nerve, first away from then toward the electrode that "looks at" the end of the nerve in tube A. The voltage drop these currents produce is the (external) action potential (Fig. 10, 11) representation of the nerve impulse.

Figure 16. Recording equivalent circuit.

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