FSU - Biological Science

"Run cost" includes:
Biomek robot costs (disposables, basic reagents, etc)
Pre and post QC:

  • RNA Bioanalyzer (For RNA libraries)
  • DNA Bioanalyzer for individual libraries
  • DNA Bioanalyzer for pools
  • KAPA qPCR for individual libraries
  • KAPA qPCR for pools

"Kit Reagents" includes:

  • Covaris shearing (for DNA preps)
  • NEBnext polyA purification kit (for RNA)
  • NEBnext library kit (DNA II or RNA II)
  • NEBnext indexes
  • Qubit quantitation
  • Ampure beads

Work order for NGS libraries
Sample sheet for NGS libraries

Cost calculator for DNA libraries
Sample number Run costs Kit Reagents
1-8 samples* $431.84 $44.39
9-16 samples $590.58 $44.39
17-24 samples $695.11 $44.39
25-32 samples $817.83 $44.39
33-48 samples $1,112.19 $44.39

For example:
8 libraries is $431.84 + (8x44.39)=786.96 ($98.37 per library, including all QC)
24 libraries is $1759.47 ($73.31 per library, including all QC)
* Note: Per-library costs for <8 libraries may be higher than $98.37 and/or time delayed (to allow samples to be bundled together with others). We can tailor this to individual needs.

Cost calculator for RNA libraries
Sample number Run costs Kit Reagents
1-8 samples* $567.43 $63.62
9-16 samples $777.85 $63.62
17-24 samples $944.91 $63.62
25-32 samples $1,120.31 $63.62
33-48 samples $1,436.02 $63.62

For example:
8 libraries is $567.43 + (8x63.62)=1076.39=$132.54 per library, including all QC
* Note: Per-library costs for <8 libraries may be higher than $132.54 and/or time delayed (to allow samples to be bundled together with others). We can tailor this to individual needs.