Species List
The St. George vegetation data from 1999 to 2006 suggest that storm surge and drought are the major drivers of vegetation change across the dune habitats (Miller, in review). We have used this data to inform restoration work by asking which species are either minimally or positively affected after storms and drought. We have identified six species (2 from each dune habitat) that exhibit appropriate dyanmical response to storms and drought and are currently testing their restoration potential: Fimbristylis spp. and Uniola paniculata from the foredune habitat, Centella asiatica and Sporobolus virginicus from the interdune habitat and Muhlenbergia capillaries and Schizachyrium maritimum from the backdune habitat.
Below are brief descriptions of each species.
Foredune Species
Fimbristylis spp. (either spathacea or caroliniana)
Hurricane grass
Family: Cyperaceae
Graminoid, monocot, perennial
Uniola paniculata
Sea oats
Family: Poaceae
Graminoid, monocot, perennial
Interdune Species
Centella asiatica
Gotu Kola and Asiatic Pennywort
Family: Mackinlayaceae
Herbaceous, dicot, perennial
Sporobolus virginicus
Seashore dropseed
Family: Poaceae
Graminoid, monocot, perennial, C4
Backdune Species
Muhlenbergia capillaris
Gulf Muhly Grass, Pink Muhly
Family: Poaceae
Graminoid, monocot, perennial
Schizachyrium maritimum
Gulf bluestem
Family: Poaceae
Graminoid, monocot, perennial